Silver dollar Raceway Reynolds GA July 22nd


Dec 15, 2005
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South east muscle cars and georgia sports car forums are heading down to silver dollar on the 22nd. We decided no to do the tunerfest, well, because its a tunerfest.

As of now we have several modded cobras, e555's, tt vette, at least2 sc vette, a C6Z06, m5's, m3's, an M6, G55, fbodies, camaro's and if we are very lucky a gallardo. An enclosed trailor is picking up the cars on friday and meeting us at the track on saturday morning and it's only 75$ for the day which is about what you would spend in gas if you drove from Atlnta. Need to know by saturday the 15th about the trailor as there are limited spots left.

We would like to see some viper in all this variety and will have tons of fun as the only stock cars are the M6 which completed it's breakin period a few minutes ago. If you want more info please call 4045783913.