Some F-ing **** Keyed my car tonight!



Are you sure it was keyed? If you were able to buff it out, I would lean more towards the scenario that someone walked by with a loose article of clothing or purse that happened to drag across the paint, or a kid with a toy that didn't know better. I've seen and repaired lots of those mistakes. I know it doesn't help the situation, but at least you know you weren't a target of someone that's jealous of you, just a poor victim of someone who is too inconsiderate to keep his/her belongings from dragging on other people's vehicles.

These kinds of things get to me as well, but at the end of the day, that kind of stuff can be repaired, glad that it wasn't worse :2tu:

I agree, I had a scratch on my Viper that I put there by accident with my purse....I didn't realize I even touched the car. It wasn't as deep as an intentional key scratch would be....

:omg: Fortunately, I had to repaint and replace most of my car due to a hit and run driver. So now I have a gorgeous paint job :):omg:

Thank God you didn't have the 20K of damage that I did :) I know it still *****!

Thanks again to JonB at Parts Rack or my car would still not be repaired!!!!!:drive:


Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
You might already know how to do this but I'll throw it up here for anyone that doesn't. Or use it to finish off what didn't buff out!!!

If the scratch is deep into the clear coat have no fear. Dupli- color makes an excellent all purpose clear coat you can buy in those pen/nail brush touch up bottles. I owned a car dealership for 15 years and used this method on countless high end cars...Never seen it fail to produce undetectable results.

Here's what to do if it doesn't buff out.

Clean off the area with dish washing liquid and water (it REMOVES car wax)

Then apply the clear coat over the entire scratch....IT WILL LOOK LIKE SH*T at first.....DO NOT PANIC!!!

Let it dry off for at least 1 full day.....Then get out the 2000 grit wet/dry sand paper. Fill a clean container with water and a few drops of dish soap...wrap the sand paper around a foam sanding block and soak it in the water....Gently start sanding the scratch...You may have to apply more clear as you sand (waiting for it to dry one full day each time you re-apply.)

You're BUILDING the clear IN the scratch, and leveling off the clear that is on the sides of the scratch by wet sanding.

Once eveything is "even" you won't see the scratch anymore. Then hit the area with rubbing compound, followed by polishing compound, followed by swirl remover then wax.

You won't be able to tell where the scratch was when you are finished.


BEFORE you do.....Go down to your local junk yard and buy a gas filler door, fender, or any other body part with paint on it and practice. Scratch the clear coat with a key and follow the instructions above. You will learn quickly and see how easy this really is.

This is NOT HARD to do if you take your time and go slowly. It's also CHEAP!!! About $25 total for the materials!! I've done Porsches that no one would buy because they had been KEYED from front to back. One of these cars won BEST PAINT the next day at the Larz Andersen Auto Museaum in Brookline Mass against some incredibly EXPENSIVE competition....NONE of the judges could tell, or could see, that the car had been keyed. And that car was Guards RED...not a very forgiving color.

Good luck.
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J ACR2000

Viper Owner
Apr 14, 2007
Reaction score
Try DR. ColorChip. Paint matched perfect on my car. 3 tiny brushes for application. Good product. I got the ad from back of Autoweek or just Google

Billy Coons

Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
Bremerton, WA
Just sue Fudruckers for inadequate security. The lawyers can have a hayday with it, and they'll settle for repair payment out of court.

Hoosier Daddy

Feb 3, 2002
Reaction score
upstate, NY
If I did go, I'd probably set up my camcorder in the bushes to catch any jealous loser's. But then again, it's too much hassle.

That would be entrapment, pretty much like the show "Jacked" You leave a running unlocked Audi on the street and of course it will get stolen!


Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
Winter Haven, Florida
Our justice industry wouldn't make the perp pay for it. Instead they would fine the perp and collect the cash for themselves while you would be left to settle with your insurance company, if of course you had that kind of coverage.

If you didn't have the appropriate coverage then you can hire another lawyer, win a judgment and pay the court and lawyer more money for a piece of paper that says you won a judgment and that the guy owes you X amount. Good luck collecting.

Of course, your state may vary...but I doubt it.

And people think they're getting screwed with healthcare. :rolleyes:

Didn't answer your question but it gave me a reason to vent.

Chuck, you are assuming that the perp would be able to speak and tell the cops what happened to them after the beating. Simply remove their tongue (no verbal description) and then remove thier fingers (no written description). The bonus of removing their fingers is that they would have a hard time keying another car.

This keying of a Viper can be summed up in two words:

Class envy.

As a previous member wrote, karma is a ***** and will catch up to this person. Take pleasure in knowing that they will probably one day choke on their own vomit.
I know this is a little harsh but I have no use for this kind of scumbag.


Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
In the wild west days, horse thieves were hung. I wish we still had that sort of punishment for car vandals and thieves too.


Viper Owner
Aug 23, 2007
Reaction score
Someone poured paint remover on my olds when I was younger. driver door, fender and hood. I was dating a girl from the other town. With in a week I repainted it. Just to stick it in there ass, as I drove it around.


Feb 9, 2001
Reaction score
Colorado Springs
At Fudds:omg:-

I was driving around just down the road from it on Tuesday, and for some odd reason I just decided not to go there. Maybe karma kept me away for a reason:drive:

Fatboy 18

Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Surrey, United Kingdom
People that maliciously damage other people's property should be killed.

Yes, I said it. Doesn't matter if it's a Viper or a Honda. People like that are of no use to society.
+1 :evilmad:


My first American car was a white 76 Camaro, I had just had the car resprayed in the Z28 Colours, when I came out of the pub, I found the whole right side of the car had been keyed right down to the metalwork!

Sorry to hear your news, I thought that kinda stuff only happened over here :(


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
I have run this scenerio over and over in my mind, if I ever caught someone in the act keying a vehicle of mine, well.... I just pray I don't ever catch someone doing that. Taking their knees out, knocking them to the ground and slamming the car door against the side of their head repeatedly would probably not go over very well in court.

In all honestly, I would probably just be so shocked at witnessing the act, that I would just freeze up.

Sorry to hear about the damage. I had one vehicle keyed in my entire life and it was my Saleen XP8 Explorer, but I am 99% sure it was one of my disgruntle employees who is no longer there. That was in 2003 and insruance paid to paint the entire truck and new Saleen graphics. Insurance never went up as it was an act of vandalism. Good ole State Farm took care of me. It ***** but what can you do? No sense in giving it a second thought as there are insane people all over. However two car shows in a row, I would probably just not go there anymore.


Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kissimmee, FL
Chuck for president, ******** it!

P.S. I never let either of my Vipers out of my sight. I would never park them anywhere where I was not watching. If this means that I am a scrub who happens to have a few cool cars, so be it.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
If you do witness someone key your car you should inconspicuously follow them and get their tag number. Just for your own satisfaction. I would never recommend running the tag number and retaliating in any way, shape or form. I wouldn't even suggest posting their personal information on the internet along with a description of what they did. They might get hurt. That would be wrong.

A few years ago some guy was caught peeing on a Ferrari. FerrariChat lit up over it. I don't remember the outcome details but I believe the ***'er was contacted.


Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score

I hate to say it but: It's a car, $hit happens to it if you drive it. Get over it....

I know!! ( I ****...) I'd be pissed too but it's not like they keyed your daughter! It's a F-in' car! Paint it, drive it or sell it... Yep, I know it ***** but that's life! Fix it and move forward...



Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Elgin, IL
Seriously - would anybody, if they were so lucky as to catch someone keying a car (let alone thiers), or any other pointless chickensh*t act, stop to worry about legal issues before BUSTING THIER JAW?!

If for no other reason, do it to fulfill the dreams of most guys that do have a hair on thier ass! :2tu:



Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
You guy's have to get more CREATIVE!!!!!

I had a tenant once that was a real @sshole....He had an old Mazda Rx-7 that he left at my property after being evicted. He had some **** bag lawyer send me a letter stating that if anything happened to that car while his client was arranging it's removal I would be held legally responsible. (Must have been the warning I gave @sshole about his car being CRUSHED if it wasn't off my property)

I found out the "lawyer" was handling a personal injury case for this dope and just sent the letter as a favor....Anyway.....A-hole calls and says a wrecker is coming for his car the following week and he's gonna be there to video tape it so he can prove if I damaged his car??? (I didn't get that one either but whatever)

So......What did I do?????

I called a few local junk yards till I found a Red Mazda RX-7....Bought it for $200 (no motor, no trans, body parts missing) Then asked the yard to CRUSH IT into a 3 foot by 3 foot CUBE and delivery it to the apartment building for me!!!! I told the owner of the yard what I was doing and he LOVED IT!! Apparently, he owned several apartments too and had dealt with his share of loser tenants!!! He even delivered it for FREE!!! I had a buddy of mine tow idiots REAL RX-7 away before the CUBE arrived.

So....Monday morning I set up a video camera in the vacant apartment overlooking the "CUBE" and watch as A-hole pulls up....The car was parked behind a garage and I got his entire REACTION on tape.....It was PRICELESS!!!!!
He actually CRIED like a little Girl!!! I STILL love watching that tape!!!

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First Strike

Viper Owner
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Honestly, it is the second time my car has been keyed at that show. No more. Im taking my old FJ40 Land Cruiser from now on. PS. I was able to buff 99 percent of it out last night. Youd have to look for it to find it now.


I believe these incidents might be isolated geared towards you, someone might be very jealous of you

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
You guy's have to get more CREATIVE!!!!!

I had a tenant once that was a real @sshole....He had an old Mazda Rx-7 that he left at my property after being evicted. He had some **** bag lawyer send me a letter stating that if anything happened to that car while his client was arranging it's removal I would be held legally responsible. (Must have been the warning I gave @sshole about his car being CRUSHED if it wasn't off my property)

I found out the "lawyer" was handling a personal injury case for this dope and just sent the letter as a favor....Anyway.....A-hole calls and says a wrecker is coming for his car the following week and he's gonna be there to video tape it so he can prove if I damaged his car??? (I didn't get that one either but whatever)

So......What did I do?????

I called a few local junk yards till I found a Red Mazda RX-7....Bought it for $200 (no motor, no trans, body parts missing) Then asked the yard to CRUSH IT into a 3 foot by 3 foot CUBE and delivery it to the apartment building for me!!!! I told the owner of the yard what I was doing and he LOVED IT!! Apparently, he owned several apartments too and had dealt with his share of loser tenants!!! He even delivered it for FREE!!! I had a buddy of mine tow idiots REAL RX-7 away before the CUBE arrived.

So....Monday morning I set up a video camera in the vacant apartment overlooking the "CUBE" and watch as A-hole pulls up....The car was parked behind a garage and I got his entire REACTION on tape.....It was PRICELESS!!!!!
He actually CRIED like a little Girl!!! I STILL love watching that tape!!!


You can't tell a story like that without offering up the vid. C'mon, sounds priceless.


Viper Owner
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
It's one thing if you get keyed for some good reason, like cheating on your girl friend. It's another for some random reason like having a nice car. I hope there's a special circle of hell for people like that.


Jun 15, 2008
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
You guy's have to get more CREATIVE!!!!!

I had a tenant once that was a real @sshole....He had an old Mazda Rx-7 that he left at my property after being evicted. He had some **** bag lawyer send me a letter stating that if anything happened to that car while his client was arranging it's removal I would be held legally responsible. (Must have been the warning I gave @sshole about his car being CRUSHED if it wasn't off my property)

I found out the "lawyer" was handling a personal injury case for this dope and just sent the letter as a favor....Anyway.....A-hole calls and says a wrecker is coming for his car the following week and he's gonna be there to video tape it so he can prove if I damaged his car??? (I didn't get that one either but whatever)

So......What did I do?????

I called a few local junk yards till I found a Red Mazda RX-7....Bought it for $200 (no motor, no trans, body parts missing) Then asked the yard to CRUSH IT into a 3 foot by 3 foot CUBE and delivery it to the apartment building for me!!!! I told the owner of the yard what I was doing and he LOVED IT!! Apparently, he owned several apartments too and had dealt with his share of loser tenants!!! He even delivered it for FREE!!! I had a buddy of mine tow idiots REAL RX-7 away before the CUBE arrived.

So....Monday morning I set up a video camera in the vacant apartment overlooking the "CUBE" and watch as A-hole pulls up....The car was parked behind a garage and I got his entire REACTION on tape.....It was PRICELESS!!!!!
He actually CRIED like a little Girl!!! I STILL love watching that tape!!!

