Spring Cruise - May 31-June 2!!


Apr 15, 2006
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Algonquin, IL
Spring Cruise - May 31-June 2

Finally our spring cruise is at hand! We're just a month away and the planning is finally done. This is a very special, multi-day cruise, which seems to be popular with our group. We try to make it vacation style so it's more than just about the car. This is also a going to be an awesome cruise as the club is subsidizing it heavily so that it's affordable. Our destination for this cruise is Springfield, IL!! Lincoln is in style these days.

All three days of the cruise have been setup to be quite interesting. Our 1st day will begin with travel to Springfield and we'll visit New Salem, a place where Lincoln spent lots of his time. It's an old town we'll peruse and relax as we ease into the evening. We have a good dinner planned before we retire for the night. Day 2 will be a large number of tours and activities. We'll visit the old historic state capital building, Lincoln's home, the presidential museum, and Lincoln's old law firm. We also have a special group dinner planned. It doesn't end there, we've also planned a drive-in theatre night at Route66 drive-in! Day 3 has some of the most important exhibits as we hit the state capital building - this is a very cool tour with great access to the building. We'll visit the Dana-Thomas house, a famous Frank Lloyd Wright building with the most original glass works of any FLW location. We'll also visit a must see, Lincoln's Tomb, which is compelling in so many ways. We'll stop at the WWII/Vietnam/Korean war memorial briefly on our way back home.

This is going to be an action packed cruise! Springfield is a must see, and this cruise provides a 1-stop-shop to everything that you'd need to see. We've done all the work so you can relax. You're going to have a good time!

All the details and registration are available on our website under the cruise section: http://www.illinoisvipers.com/pit/cr...eventinfo.html. You'll need to reserve your hotel before May 10th (if you want the special $79 club rate). We also ask that we get your registrations back by May 25th.

This is a cruise you're going to love! We're going to have a great turnout! See you there!