Street Racing Poll

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
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tampa, fl USA
Personally on the smoking in restaurants... I feel that a business owner should be able to decide what market he/she caters to.... if I want to be a smoking establishment.. then non-smokers can choose not to enter my establishment!!

I agree with you. But 70% of the idiot public voted for it. Societal pressure already nearly eliminated smoking in most restaurants, there was no need for it to be put to vote. Now some owner can't cater to a particular clientele. Commies.

How about the pregnant pig law? The idiot public voted (51%) for making pregnant pigs living conditions "less stressful." So now some small time pig farmer has to invest in Lazy-boy recliners and a masseuse for all his pregnant pigs? I don't know how pigs were treated before, why should I be allowed to vote on how they should be treated now? Besides, why give a sh*t? It's a pig!!!


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Feb 26, 2002
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DelaWhere? USA
If the budget forces one into this predicament, one should consider selling the Viper and geting a Mustang with 5K in mods and go spank some Vipers at the strip.

Who's talking about Viper owners? I was refering to punk who tried to take me the other day in his stock K-Car. My logic is flawed for Viper owenrs because money isn't that much of an issue for them. The one's I feel are dangerious AND abundant are the $5/hr civic drivers. You know, the one's who race the cars that are worth less than a single snake-rollbar...


Feb 4, 2002
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Maryland, USA
Every hot street driver I ever met on the track, looked like a fool for the first 10 races. It always made my day to talk to them after their first race and see the big change in ego after they had been lapped by most of the field.

A typical comment would be something like, "those guys were going like crazy out there".

Try some real racing, any kind, just get wheel to wheel with some other cars on a track and go as fast as you can. Until you do that, you are a rookie.

I take that back, you won't even be a rookie until you do it the first time.
Right now, you're a wanna be.


Jun 4, 2001
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Just to clarify, I'm 2fast4u not tfast4u, and for the record... I street race all the time when there is no traffic around.

Daffy Duck Viper

Dec 31, 2002
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Austin, TX. USA.
Thumbs down on street racing, but not driving fast for your own pleasure where it is safe to do so. I won't race, but I love to churn and burn them tires. 0-60 is my deal, not all-out speed. The top speed that can be reach has never been exciting to me. It's all about the 0 to 60 speed that's the thrill!

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Dec 5, 2001
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Jacksonville Florida
Personally on the smoking in restaurants... I feel that a business owner should be able to decide what market he/she caters to.... if I want to be a smoking establishment.. then non-smokers can choose not to enter my establishment!!

I agree with you. But 70% of the idiot public voted for it. Societal pressure already nearly eliminated smoking in most restaurants, there was no need for it to be put to vote. Now some owner can't cater to a particular clientele. Commies.

How about the pregnant pig law? The idiot public voted (51%) for making pregnant pigs living conditions "less stressful." So now some small time pig farmer has to invest in Lazy-boy recliners and a masseuse for all his pregnant pigs? I don't know how pigs were treated before, why should I be allowed to vote on how they should be treated now? Besides, why give a sh*t? It's a pig!!!

There are a bunch of idiot voters in this State... I am a Jacksonville Florida Native... and they embarass me. Hell, it was probably the same voters who couldn't figure out the Presidential ballot.......

The only treatment I contemplate about giving to a pig is whether or not I'm gonna fry it's bacon or barbecue it's ribs!!!


Mar 17, 2003
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" the people who actualy engage in this pastime seem to have little of either."

I have 2 homes, 4 cars, New GSXR 1000,Own my own company with an office in LA CA, Albany NY and the Main office is in Delray Beach FL. I payed $73,000 in Taxes last year.

Shelby 3,

"The most tortured argument I have heard so far is comparing our second amendment right to bear arms to a right to street race"

Q: Where do you draw the line? Tell me what you think is fair if caught Drag Racing on the street. Do you agree with the new Law in CA for Street Racing?

I live in Delray Beach FL, Venice FL, and Tampa FL.

I like your point though. You all have good points here. The last 3 days I have not Street Raced. There is alot to consider here.....Come on Guys your getting to me. LOL
Every hot street driver I ever met on the track, looked like a fool for the first 10 races. It always made my day to talk to them after their first race and see the big change in ego after they had been lapped by most of the field.

A typical comment would be something like, "those guys were going like crazy out there".

Try some real racing, any kind, just get wheel to wheel with some other cars on a track and go as fast as you can. Until you do that, you are a rookie.

I take that back, you won't even be a rookie until you do it the first time.
Right now, you're a wanna be."
Wow Joe117, can you read? I know I **** at spelling.....

Here is a quote from my first post in case you missed it.

" I have been street/track racing for over 19 years".

Just to name a few 1/4 mile tracks I have been on. Moroso FL, Bradington FL, Lebonon Vally NY, English Town NJ, ect, ect, ect.

Race Tracks, let's see......Moroso FL more than I can count, Firbird Raceway in AZ, Lime Rock CT, ect, ect, ect.

I was also Instructed and trained by Justin Bell, which by the way was one of the drivers for "the factory backed French Team ORECA that won LeMans four times in a row." That was done in a Viper. But you are a race car driver like me, so you should know this info. But than again I'm a " wanna be ".

I am positive you are a great driver on and off the track. All I have to say is BRING IT! When your in FL next time. I will rent the track like we do every few months. I will pay your way and we can race if you like. I like competition. Every year I go to some racing school to keep up on things. The last shcool I went to was The GT-Three Racing School. This is a 3 day event 8 hours a day and cost $3,400. This took place at The Justin Bell GT Motorsports Experience in FL. I was awarded a Certificate that alowes me to enter events. All though I would like to get involved in SCCA, I have no time.

Joe117 do not be so quick to judge one you do not know. This is only a poll not a crucifixion.
In closing I have been thinking about this thread alot. Not what is directed towards me personaly, but more on the fact of how many more laws are ahead of us, piges, smoking, racing, guns....... Could I hurt some one, there is alway that chance. I'm glad I found VCA it gives me a place to go and put myself out there for thoughs to see. And in return find out more about myself. Thanks for the feed back. Good or Bad. It's all good :cool:


Jan 14, 2003
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Auckland, New Zealand
Street racing - as in "Fast and Furious" - totally thumbs down. :mad:

Racing should be under controlled conditions - lives are at stake - something that does not bother some

What about the odd bit of relatively safe fun on the street - 1st and 2nd gear stuff on a clear run in town for a short burst then brake - or faster if on open road and no traffic and no side-streets? That will never stop - even cops do it and to make it criminal is a sad reflection that laws aren't bright enough to distinguish relatively harmless fun from dangerous racing.

Anyone in a Viper who says they don't have a bit of fun now and again is either lying or meant to buy a Voyager instead of a Viper - they just got confused - knowing the Dodge they wanted started with a V and ended with an R.



May 14, 2002
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Shelby 3,

"The most tortured argument I have heard so far is comparing our second amendment right to bear arms to a right to street race"

Q: Where do you draw the line? Tell me what you think is fair if caught Drag Racing on the street. Do you agree with the new Law in CA for Street Racing?

I think street racing should be treated like driving under the influence. In both cases there is a willful endangerment of the public. Like DUI, there are degrees of violation. I don't support confiscation of vehicles so I don't support the new CA law, but the crazy stuff that's killing people needs to be stopped. There are legal ways to drive fast and compete if that is your pleasure. I would like to think Viper owners are a cut above the fart can drivers in exhibiting responsibility on the streets.


Apr 9, 2002
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I would like to think Viper owners are a cut above the fart can drivers in exhibiting responsibility on the streets.

I don't remember seeing morality as an option with my Viper. :D

Disclaimer Sarcastic statement ahead! Maybe you are on to something there. Maybe DC should screen potential buyers. Maybe TUNERS should screen customers before transforming there cars into 1,000 hp street machines.

Good luck. I find it hard to judge people's values based on the car they drive. Hope I am not the naive one. :usa:


Apr 8, 2002
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Little Rock,AR,USA
Over the weekend, I was pulled over by a Cop - he said I was speeding.
It was one of the rare moments when I had watched my speedometer - and
I was not. So why did he pull me over ....... I had accelerated out of
a gas station and punched it thru 1st and 2nd - but I did not break the tires
or endanger myself or anyone else - and I made a point not to break the speed
limit(one of them psychic things, I guess). He told me I was doing 62 in a 50-
and I stood my ground - I know he tried to bluff me, because he followed me
3 miles before he pulled me over, and in the end he didn't even give me a
warning ticket - just let me go. But if this same policeman had caught me
gunning the motor next to another car - it could have been a ticket for racing.
My attitude about driving is like some of the other posts - earlier -
I enjoy acceleration, but I generally don't break the speed limit while doing it.
A Viper accelerating - just drives some policemen beyond their limit to judge
fairly. I also am not beyond pulling a car for a gear or two - but I'm
also one of the most cautious drivers on the road. The judgement about street
racing, generally is influenced by what your experiences are.
Some of the local street racing here is done on a strip of deserted river-port
road, that is unihabited and is wide and straight. But unless you have been there - you may not believe me. Racing under the influence - or driving under
the influence - is not safe, neither is driving while putting your makeup on
and talking on the cell phone, or daydreaming.


May 14, 2002
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I don't remember seeing morality as an option with my Viper.

Disclaimer Sarcastic statement ahead! Maybe you are on to something there. Maybe DC should screen potential buyers. Maybe TUNERS should screen customers before transforming there cars into 1,000 hp street machines.

Good luck. I find it hard to judge people's values based on the car they drive. Hope I am not the naive one.

J Smith --- You made a bunch of assumptions about what I said that are not accurate. It's not values, it's maturity and peer pressure. All of the Viper owners I know are mature and have reached a level of success that allows them to own these fine cars. That maturity usually results in acting responsibly in respecting the rights of others in a public setting. Most of the street racers I know are young, drive inexpensive rice and have yet to learn some of the hard lessons that can come from acting stupid. There is a lot of peer pressure for kids to prove themselves. This does not mean that there are not irresponsible Viper owners and very responsible rice drivers, but percentages favor my personal experiences. I still find it strange that people try and argue in support of street racing as there has yet to be a single credible point made in this thread that would support it.

HP, You make good points about the other distractions that people engage in that are unsafe for others on the road.


Apr 9, 2002
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Shelby, It seems your comments are more about people and less about racing and I see your statements as prejudice.

"I would like to think Viper owners are a cut above the fart can drivers in exhibiting responsibility on the streets."

"All of the Viper owners I know are mature and have reached a level of success that allows them to own these fine cars. "

I am not arguing in support of street racing, just responding to your belief that people who have enough cash to buy a nice car somehow are ethically more stable than those who can't afford the aforementioned. That's the great thing about the car community in general. Everyone's invited and one is free to set their own price tag.

Just because one drives a Viper, Ferrari, or MB doesn't make them responsible.
Maturity/responsibility is gained/learned by dealing with life's experiences. Not purchased at a car lot.

So I respectfully disagree. I guess my personal experiences are different from yours.

I also think there is some validity with the posts related to geography and the availability of tracks. The closest track to me, that I am aware of, is over 200 miles away. So if I can find a clear road with no one around, which is easy to do in my location, then I will take advantage of the space whether I am racing myself or someone else.

I don't intend to come across as a ********* street racer. As my initial post said I have had the car for 2 years and have engaged in 5 races. Well I call them races. None from a dead stop. Heck, I am not sounding much like a racer at all. :D


May 14, 2002
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J Smith - You keep getting what I'm saying backwards. I don't think buying a car makes you anything. From my personal experience what I'm saying is that as a rule, more mature people buy Vipers. There are obvious exceptions. I have never had another Viper challenge me to a street race when I'm driving one of my performance cars. It's always been kids and mostly driving rice. As far as me being prejudice, against who? If you're implying I'm prejudice against people who think street racing is cool or a right they have, yeah, I have a hard time contemplating as to how they are mature or have an IQ that exceeds the octane level of the fuel they use. Also keep in mind I'm referring to "street racing," not dropping the hammer on a lonely stretch of deserted road, which by the way I don't do either.
Oct 2, 2000
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All motor sport can be dangerous. Want to know how fast you or your car is go to Viper Days or the local Drag Strip. Street racing is exciting for the teenagers and can be dangerous. Kill yourself that is your choice but to injure or kill someone else is simply not a risk any responsible person would take. The view that people die all the time so it is okay to add more risk is stupid. Perhaps that is why it is against the law. Anyone can push a gas pedal event a 4 yr old. Go to the track and enjoy the pleasure of a great performance car(Viper).


Mar 17, 2003
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Thanks for your answer to my question. I like the Idia of Drag Racing being treated like DUI.

But I have a problem with you starting this thread to get a poll on how many aprove and disaprove with street racing only to find remarks like this from you. " I have a hard time contemplating as to how they are mature or have an IQ that exceeds the octane level of the fuel they use."

I did not think your Thread ment that if we did not agree with your " Thumbs down " you would insult us others that do Street Race. If that was the case I would of not of been a part of this.

I enjoy reading this info, but you guys get out of hand. I would think if you were consered about us street racers hurting some one you might take a look at your self and ask why you insult others on this thread. If everyone has no right to race on the street why do you have a right to insult us? Why, because street racing can kill. That is true. So can racing on a track. But words can kill more than we can count................just think about it :rolleyes:
Aug 5, 2001
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****, CA,USA
1. Every household and business in each city pays $5 per year.
2. Money used to build drag strips. Bigger city more strips.
3. Dragstrips built have no rules. No equipment rules; no racing rules; participants decide.
4. All strips open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
5. Legislature passes law stating that no lawsuit can be brought against the city, county, or individuals for incidents occuring at the strips.
6. Also pass a law that any assault, ******, theft, etc occuring in these places get a triple sentence.
7. The $5 per year also goes to keeping a police officer on site 24/7.

There problem solved.
Everyone should be happy with that.
$5 per year to keep your streets safe should be a godsend to those worried about the dangers of street racing.
Fewer cops chasing fewer street racers frees up cops to go and chase real criminals.
Racers have a place to race with no excuses.
Now just vote for me.


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Feb 26, 2002
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DelaWhere? USA
1. Every household and business [*snip*]

That wouldn't fly with the majority of voters, but a 24/7 strip with no equipment rules or legal backwash would be worth a few dollars up front to me. ****, get something like at approved and I be you could sustain it on racers alone.