Troubleshooting My Security System 92

Jeff Torrey

Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Plaistow, NH USA
After 2 weeks of troublefree driving, last saturday my factory installed security system locked up.

On monday morning I had the car towed in to the local Dodge dealer (Rockingham Dodge- Salem, New Hampshire). I was told that there was a Viper tech. working at that dealership.

When the car arrived the service department called me, stating that the Viper technition had left. They told me that the should be able to get the system repaired. That the security system was a Mopar alarm and they were familiar with these type of problems.

They tested the system and diagnosed the problem to be in the computer module (for the security system). They replaced it. But this did not solve the problem.

So they decided to get a new remote. This did help. They were able to get the car out of lock down.

After furthur testing. On the 20th attempt to start the car. The system went back into lock down mode.

So I called Fitzgerald Motorsports (where I bought the car) and they recommended that I get the car back to them ASAP. To get the car out of the lockdown mode again and move the car.

I will be picking the car up this afternoon, and I have scheduled to bring the car up to Fitzgerald on Monday.

I will keep you updated. If anyone has had similar problems, I would be most interested in hearing from you.

Regards, -Jeff T


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
The Year Matters........

The 92 Alarm EEU that you have "probably" came from a 1989-91 era Caravan. The EEU failure was probably correct, but the dealer might have failed to reset the alarm after EEU install, and the new FOB program could have added yet another glitch.

One of the primary reasons for EEU meltdown seems to be weak / bad car batteries! Not to mention FOB batteries! A 92 owner has an easy time of checking, with the battery in the trunk! But "dont skimp on fresh volts" once you get started........ Fitzgerald WILL fix this puppy!

Jeff Torrey

Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Plaistow, NH USA
Jon- When the new EEU did not correct the problem. The dealer went with the new FOB. But because the new EEU and FOB together did not completly cure the problem. The dealer took out the new EEU and put the old one back in. Thinking there was nothing wrong with the old EEU. He said that he did not feel he could charge me for the new one, when the car did not seem to need a new one.

The next step they wanted to take was to change the other computer component. What they discribed as "The Brain". But it would not be in until monday. Thats when I decided to talk to Fitzgeralds again.

Just so nervious with the recent post about dealers driving Vipers on the weekends. He said that to reset the system they had to take the tire off and disconnect the battery for 30 minutes. Until the problem is resolved it starts conting down from 20 every time you start the car. When you get to zero and then the car shuts down again.

When I told him you could get at the battery through the trunk, he looked puzzled.

Is there a special battery that will fulfill the needs of a Viper?

The battery that came in the car says Napa Professional Series.

The Car is back in my garage. I must say I took the lonnnng way home. I put a battery charger on it for 2 hours. Battery did not seem low. But if they ran it through the 20 starts test in a short time, I am sure that would put quite a strain on any battery.

Thanks Jon!


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