WHAT?? It can't be!?!?!?!?!


Feb 5, 2001
Reaction score
Richmond, VA
Re: WHAT?? It can\'t be!?!?!?!?!

The curse of road course racing.

You can be fast in the straights and slow in the turns, or
slow in the straights and fast in the turns, or
fast in the turns and straights.

Most people are either one or the other. Great racers are good at both. You may have been passing people in either one of those areas.

Were your lap times consistently equal or lower each time? Consistent lap times allow you to make steady improvements.


Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
Atlanta Ga
Re: WHAT?? It can\'t be!?!?!?!?!

I have been behind a car in qualifing in the past & we ran nose to tail. There was no way I was getting by him no matter how hard I tried...............except on the grid!!!! I out qualified him by 3/10ths!! I have a transponder & they rarely make mistakes & it has happened more than once. I have been racing for quite a while & I still cannot explain it!. My advice, buy a HOT LAP in car timer with the hand activated switch. It will be the best $300 you will spend.


May 31, 2001
Reaction score
Southeast, NY
Re: WHAT?? It can\'t be!?!?!?!?!

a word to the wise - stay out of andrew's way! I recently went snowmobiling with him and have to say he really can race. I don't doubt that he was lapping many who came his way.


Apr 25, 2001
Reaction score
New York, where else?
WHAT?? It can\'t be!?!?!?!?!

I don't get it. At Viper days last August at Watkins Glen...I think it was August...
I know I was faster than some guys. Not to take anything away from anyone, but I distinctly remember passing & even lapping a couple of guys. As a matter of fact, I remember guys coming up to me afterwards, who's names I won't mention, who said to me that they just moved over to let me pass because they didn't want to push it. And yet, I get a Viper Days thing in the mail yesterday with everyone's times, and I am dead last in my group.
All I have to say is watch out for the next Watkins Glen event! There will be no holding back this time. Could it be that my hitch was too heavy and it took two seconds off my time??
Could it be that the food at bonfire the night before was too heavy? That's it. Next time... a very different story.



Apr 26, 2001
Reaction score
langhorne, PA USA
Re: WHAT?? It can\'t be!?!?!?!?!

Hi Andrew,

First, I think Watkins Glen was October not August. You were just
getting hot under the collar and you thought it was August! :)
I was pretty happy with my run times at the Glen and passed a few
myself. However, check to see what class you were running in AND what experience group ie(green, white, red black etc.) Since,this was my first VD's I ran in the novice green group. I ran pretty well for a rookie and some people said WOW great lap times. However, because I ran with Hoosiers on I was placed in the Unlimited class. Although not last place, I was near the bottom in that most experience and performance modified group.

I am not sure if I changed my group or if they combined some near the end but I remember running right behind you. Hope this may(?) explain it.

Hope to see you again soon!

Fast Eddie

Sonny 00 GTS ACR

Oct 21, 2000
Reaction score
Old Saybrook, CT. USA
Re: WHAT?? It can\'t be!?!?!?!?!

Hi Andrew,

You did run very well at the Glen last year. I am assuming that you were running Hoosiers and that was why you ended up in the Unlimited class. Many of the cars in that class have extensive engine and suspension modifications along with the respective drivers posessing some serious seat-time. If you had used the Michelins and ran a 2:28.248, you would have been Third in Super Modified, First in Modified, Third in Prepared, Fourth in Super Stock, or Third in Stock II. Not bad for you first time out!

Most of the drivers in the Unlimited class would be typically found in the White group. If you were running in the Green or even Blue group, your time would have appeared much higher in either of those groups because you would have been mixed in with more cars in lower classes. Whenever you check your progress, you need to consult all the run groups while looking for anyone who happens to be in your class.

The object in the Michelin Challenge is not to pass other cars, but to run fast laps, When you have to make a pass you almost always have to slow down. If I find myself coming up on a car and nobody is behind me, I'll give up one lap and hang back to let the other car get a real good lead and just make sure I'm up to speed at the Start/Finish line. Then I go as fast as I can and try to catch up in the next few laps. It gives me someone to chase a helps me focus on being smooth and fast. Otherwise, I have passed someone only to be held up again by someone else before the next lap is through and I never seem to get a "clean" lap. If you don't it's really your own fault because you can always come in to the pit lane and ask Bruce or Barry to give you some space on the track.

Another thought is to ask one of the quicker drivers for a ride. Most people are flattered and would be happy to take you out and you would be surprised how much you can learn by watching someone else's approach. Or have your instructor drive your car. They won't really go more than 80% in someone else's car but it will probably seem like 150% to you because they have so much more experience.

One note about Hoosiers. They are a great tire. However, you can learn a great deal in the beginning using the Michelins because even though they have less traction, it forces you to become more smooth and helps you to learn to keep up your momentum throughout the course. The Hoosiers make it very easy to develop bad habits because you can "horse" the car around quite a bit more. It's actually a lot of fun but trust me it doesn't make you fast.

Watkins Glen is a great track and I'm sorry it's not on the schedule this season. It was my first time there too and I can't wait to go back.

Good luck this season!


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