The Grand Destruction of the Yellow Nation

Sweet Ride

Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Dear fellow VCA Members, Enthusiasts, and Lurkers,

It has recently come to my attention and observation that a proponent of all things Yellow was recently seen not only getting into a RED Viper but also smiling and enjoying the ride!!!

Allow me to present evidence to you all. We now begin the final destruction of the Yellow Nation!!!

Here is the most beloved leader of the Yellow Nation getting ready to climb into a very nice, very fast RED Viper:

Figure 1:


Here is said leader sitting in the fast RED Viper. Please note the giant smile on his face as he is finally riding in a Viper with a V-10.

Figure 2:


Here you can observe Mr. Yellow walking away from a Yellow car in disgust again smiling because he knows he will be riding in a RED car the rest of the day.

Figure 3:


I will let the pictures do the talking. You should all know that an offer of peace was made before this thread was opened. However, that offer was met with threats of hostility toward certain Georgia and Arizona members. Thankfully, MoparBoy no longer has to hide behind his veil of insecurity and love of Yellow Vipers.

R.I.P. Yellow Nation. Sorry it had to end this way. You gave it a good run but in the end your leader was a traitor.

Long live RED VIPERS!!! Huzah! Huzah!! Huzah!!!

Your Brother in RED,

Sweet Ride


Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL (Port Orange)
We all knew lose race yellow viper nation (LRYVN) was built as sturdy as a plastic Chinese Happy Meal toy, but to fall apart from the top has to be embarrassing, even to those used to losing. The only winner in this debacle is MoparBoy. He has finally rode in a real Viper and can now move on from his training wheels V8 Viper and join the big boys in the RED Nation. While Robert certainly isn't much to brag about, I'm always glad to get new members. It shows there is hope for the world when someone decides to better theirself and step out of a yellow Viper and into a RED one. Congrats Robert, today is the 1st day of the rest of your life! Oh yeah, new guy buys the beer at *******, so time to come up off the billfold! :D

I will now go and gloat that the war between red and yellow has been settled with red once again winning and winning big. We didn't get much of a prize (maybe Robert has a hot sister or at least something to make him somewhat valuable), but the fall of LRYVN is one of those prizes you can't put a value on. Today, the future of the world looks a little brighter since there is one less yellow fan walking around :lmao::drive::D:rolaugh::usa::headbang::eater:

Sweet Ride

Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Denver, CO
I just "found" this completely un-edited photo as well: :omg:


Man, this must **** for all you Yellow guys and gals. :lmao: :rolaugh: :lmao:


Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
Columbia, SC
Well, well, well, what a surprise! Just when you thought Team SLOW RED were behaving themselves (temporarily, of course), here they are instigating again. I see their "fearless leader" has come up with a new wrinkle, this time: starting a fight, then declaring "victory" before the other side even responds. Well, naturally, he'd like to believe that, just as he'd like to believe that Kelli Pickler will show up on his doorstep with a marriage proposal. Of course, wishing and fantasizing don't make it so, except in Chad's dreams!

Now it appears, from the so-called "evidence" presented here earlier, a certain member of Team FAST YELLOW may have some explaining to do. I say "so-called", because I suspect that as usual, there is skullduggery afoot here, on the part of Team SLOW RED. It would hardly be the first time! Previous nefarious strategies have included unwarranted attacks on members of Team Fast Yellow, and even in one case, the fraudulent promotion of a supposed glamorous lifestyle associated with membership in Team SLOW RED. I might add that my debunking of this last myth met with only the feeblest rejoinder from the SLOW RED side; after that was quickly dealt with, they suddenly lost all enthusiasm for the fray, and unceremoniously departed the thread, without so much as a whimper!

In light of that, I think this little "victory celebration" is more than a bit premature. I should have thought Team SLOW RED would have learned their lesson by now, and would not care to revisit the issue, but I suppose that with the passing of time the pain of those verbal floggings has worn off. Very well, then; I will be happy to administer another, should it be necessary. I might add that I warned Team SLOW RED, just before the last time they suddenly turned into "Team Run-and-hide", that I had a load of fresh, grade-A smack waiting to be unleashed upon them. You will be happy to know that this material is not lost; I have it filed away in my library, and it should not take me too long to find it, should Team SLOW RED elect to continue the hostilities.........


Feb 21, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Collins, Colorado
Well, well, well, what a surprise! Just when you thought Team SLOW RED were behaving themselves (temporarily, of course), here they are instigating again. I see their "fearless leader" has come up with a new wrinkle, this time: starting a fight, then declaring "victory" before the other side even responds. Well, naturally, he'd like to believe that, just as he'd like to believe that Kelli Pickler will show up on his doorstep with a marriage proposal. Of course, wishing and fantasizing don't make it so, except in Chad's dreams!

Now it appears, from the so-called "evidence" presented here earlier, a certain member of Team FAST YELLOW may have some explaining to do. I say "so-called", because I suspect that as usual, there is skullduggery afoot here, on the part of Team SLOW RED. It would hardly be the first time! Previous nefarious strategies have included unwarranted attacks on members of Team Fast Yellow, and even in one case, the fraudulent promotion of a supposed glamorous lifestyle associated with membership in Team SLOW RED. I might add that my debunking of this last myth met with only the feeblest rejoinder from the SLOW RED side; after that was quickly dealt with, they suddenly lost all enthusiasm for the fray, and unceremoniously departed the thread, without so much as a whimper!

In light of that, I think this little "victory celebration" is more than a bit premature. I should have thought Team SLOW RED would have learned their lesson by now, and would not care to revisit the issue, but I suppose that with the passing of time the pain of those verbal floggings has worn off. Very well, then; I will be happy to administer another, should it be necessary. I might add that I warned Team SLOW RED, just before the last time they suddenly turned into "Team Run-and-hide", that I had a load of fresh, grade-A smack waiting to be unleashed upon them. You will be happy to know that this material is not lost; I have it filed away in my library, and it should not take me too long to find it, should Team SLOW RED elect to continue the hostilities.........

wow man, so deep.


Has Left the Room!
Dec 20, 2008
Reaction score
After some thought on this matter, I was looking at my Yellow Aero coupe, and realized that Dodge and the SRT team have known about the slow speed of Red Vipers, along with the even greater speed of the Yellow cars for years. Hence the fact that our Brakes are RED....
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Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
This morning I saw another thread with some yellow to rd jabs in it and thought..jeez wish they'd just stop.

I click on this thread and can't get enough of the red vs yellow

This was hilarious !


Viper Owner
Nov 20, 2009
Reaction score
I just thought I'd add this:

Cultural associations
Maya glyph for "yellow"

* The ancient Maya associated the color yellow with the direction South & The word yellow can be used as an adjective meaning cowardly.

In human color psychology, red is associated with bravery, purity, happiness, good luck, heat/fire, energy, and blood, and emotions that "stir the blood", including anger, passion, love, pain, and sacrifice.[5]

Sweet Ride

Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Well, well, well, what a surprise! Just when you thought Team SLOW RED were behaving themselves (temporarily, of course), here they are instigating again. I see their "fearless leader" has come up with a new wrinkle, this time: starting a fight, then declaring "victory" before the other side even responds. Well, naturally, he'd like to believe that, just as he'd like to believe that Kelli Pickler will show up on his doorstep with a marriage proposal. Of course, wishing and fantasizing don't make it so, except in Chad's dreams!

Now it appears, from the so-called "evidence" presented here earlier, a certain member of Team FAST YELLOW may have some explaining to do. I say "so-called", because I suspect that as usual, there is skullduggery afoot here, on the part of Team SLOW RED. It would hardly be the first time! Previous nefarious strategies have included unwarranted attacks on members of Team Fast Yellow, and even in one case, the fraudulent promotion of a supposed glamorous lifestyle associated with membership in Team SLOW RED. I might add that my debunking of this last myth met with only the feeblest rejoinder from the SLOW RED side; after that was quickly dealt with, they suddenly lost all enthusiasm for the fray, and unceremoniously departed the thread, without so much as a whimper!

In light of that, I think this little "victory celebration" is more than a bit premature. I should have thought Team SLOW RED would have learned their lesson by now, and would not care to revisit the issue, but I suppose that with the passing of time the pain of those verbal floggings has worn off. Very well, then; I will be happy to administer another, should it be necessary. I might add that I warned Team SLOW RED, just before the last time they suddenly turned into "Team Run-and-hide", that I had a load of fresh, grade-A smack waiting to be unleashed upon them. You will be happy to know that this material is not lost; I have it filed away in my library, and it should not take me too long to find it, should Team SLOW RED elect to continue the hostilities.........

Not only has Team Red instigated this one, they have sounded the death knell for Team Race Lose Yellow. The pictures don't lie! Your beloved leader has willingly and by his own accord switched teams. I bet you'd never see Chad getting in or riding in a yellow Viper. Victory is ours!!!

Should you respond, bring your "A" game!!! :lmao: There's more to come... Lmao!!! :D

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
Well, as everyone knows, there are two sides to EVERY story. As you will see, this one is no different. I did ride in a red Viper, and what I found, further grounded me in yellow is best.:headbang: Read below:

Allow me to present evidence to you all. We now begin the final destruction of the Yellow Nation!!!

Really? You see this as evidence of your evil plot? Lets just see...

Here is the most beloved leader of the Yellow Nation getting ready to climb into a very nice, very fast RED Viper:

Figure 1:


True. Except the part about very nice and very fast. :D

Here is said leader sitting in the fast RED Viper. Please note the giant smile on his face as he is finally riding in a Viper with a V-10.

Figure 2:


Correction. Devious grin. Not smile. :devgrin:

Here you can observe Mr. Yellow walking away from a Yellow car in disgust again smiling because he knows he will be riding in a RED car the rest of the day.

Figure 3:


Can everyone see what color my short is? Take note of it. You will see it again.

that offer was met with threats of hostility toward certain Georgia and Arizona members. Thankfully, MoparBoy no longer has to hide behind his veil of insecurity and love of Yellow Vipers.

Hostility? :rolaugh: Is THAT what you call it? :lmao: You are just sore your hockey team lost! :poke::lmao:

R.I.P. Yellow Nation. Sorry it had to end this way. You gave it a good run but in the end your leader was a traitor.

Yeah, it didnt end! Keep reading boyo. :eater:

(maybe Robert has a hot sister or at least something to make him somewhat valuable),:

Yes I do, two infact. But they like Kellie know the truth. Red cars stink like a 2 week old hamburger.

If you were a yellow owner and your hero had just kicked you in the family jewels and left for a bigger and better team, you'd be pretty quiet as well (except for some moaning and possibly crying) :

No, more giving you the opportunity to enjoy what you think is a win.

I just "found" this completely un-edited photo as well:



Remember this shirt? I tell ya, if I had your skills in Microsoft Paint I would repaint your car!

Robert!!!!! SAY IT AINT SO!!! The pictures LIE!!!!!

Chill dude. Keep reading.

then declaring "victory" before the other side even responds. ..

Yup. So sad and pathetic! :rolaugh:

He can't even respond. He knows it's true. :

OK you trouble maker you. See below.

So here is the truth:

I was given an opportunity to see what the red owners claim to be so good. I was most generously offered a ride in none other than SmellyRides RED and SUPERCHARGED car. I thought:

"What a great opportunity to infiltrate the red camp and finally see what they are always blathering about. Not only do I get to see how slow a red car is, but I would also be able to compare red first hand to yellow and finally be able to settle this once and for all."

So I said OK. I will go.

I went for a ride. It was about a 30 mile ride and I would say that is enough time for one to get the feel of a car, don't you think?

And what did I find you ask?

I found out what I thought all along. Even with a s/c on the car, it was still slower than a yugo! I was shocked! And as this thread seems to be all about proof, here is some! See for yourself where the yellow cars are in the shot. Right behind the lead car who had the directions. See?


And here is another shot. See what is in the rear view? More red! :lmao:


And want another shot? Here it is! Complete with red trying on its only opportunity to pass! When all others are stopping! So lame! :rolaugh:


Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case. Yellow is best and red really is a pathetic excuse for a car! :rolaugh::lmao:


Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
Columbia, SC
I went ahead and "fixed" your original post... :rolaugh: It's okay. I can read between the lines.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Ha! More wishful thinking; oh, and about that "read between the lines" nonsense, when you quote me, quote what I actually said, not what you wish I said! I know reading comprehension is not exactly an intellectual strong point among most of the SLOW RED group, but that one was simple enough for any of you to manage, assuming you made a modest effort to do so.

Now, as to the supposed "evidence", the pic in # 5 is an obvious photoshop, and I see none of the rest which conclusively show Robert actually IN a SLOW RED Viper. I might add that should he actually be shown sitting in the right seat of a SLOW RED Snake, there are obvious explanations other than a "defection"; he might have been laughing so hard, just from looking at a SLOW RED Viper, that he had to sit down in the nearest convenient place; or, he simply might be trying to explain to one of you cultural infidels how much better your car would look if it were YELLOW! IF one of you managed to get him to condescend to ride in your car, that one picture suggests that he might have been laughing at how SLOW it was!

P.S. Now, having seen Robert's post above; Yep! SEE? Told you so! Dream on, SLOW RED, dream on!
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Nov 1, 2007
Reaction score
:omg: :jawdrop: :omg:

Robert what is going on here?!?!?!?!

We must turn this thread around so we can once again celebrate how awesome Yellow cars are.

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Tom Sessions

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Well Yellow and Red are really fighting for second fastest behind Blue/white.:drive: Which anyone with any sense knows is the fastest of all Vipers:2tu:


Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Up North
I made 2 new pokey's for you guys & gals, perhaps if a mod can add them to the batch of available emoticons, these are linked to my webserver, but feel free to link to them if not..

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You must be registered for see images

If you want different colors, easy enuf to make more..

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
The yellow crowd is quiet. Do I sense the yellow force?:rolaugh:

I have found the song !!!!


Thats awesome! Miss Mary Mary Quite Contrary has spoken! RED IS SLOW! :rolaugh:

Does anyone know where I can download that song? Good song for when I give red owners rides! :lmao:

I made 2 new pokey's for you guys & gals, perhaps if a mod can add them to the batch of available emoticons, these are linked to my webserver, but feel free to link to them if not..

You must be registered for see images

You must be registered for see images

If you want different colors, easy enuf to make more..

Trouble maker! :rolaugh:

We also need a *** stirrer emoticon! :D

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