This has gotta be the definitive Zaino post!


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
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By Sal Zaino, from 1999. (Board archives)

SUBJECT>Zaino Applications Tips....long version--
POSTER>Zaino Bros (Sal)
EMAIL>[email protected]
DATE>Friday, 19 March 1999, at 2:05 p.m.

Enclosed is a more detailed version of my Application Tips & Tricks. Please read thoroughly. It contains some really great info.....
1. Because Zaino Show Car Polish is optically perfect (99.9%) The optimum results are achieved by using over wax free paint.
2. If you are looking for the ultimate paint surface preparation. Use Clay Magic first or skip to step 3. Clay Magic (blue clay bar) was designed to remove airborne contaminants, paint overspray, water spots, rail dust, industrial fallout, diesel fuel & catalytic converter residue and any other bonded surface contaminants from paint. All cars even brand new factory paint has airborne contaminants... Here's the deal. The non-abrasive Clay Magic will remove any surface contaminants from
the paint finish and not hurt the clear-coat. Clay will get that paint finish smooth as glass. Now remember waterspots, bird droppings and bug guts if left on the paint finish for any length of time. Will etch into the paint finish. The Clay will also remove any polish. You will find Clay Magic in most Pep Boys or Autozone stores in the polish/wax section. If you don't see it ask for it. Clay costs approximately $19.95. If you still can't find it, call me...
I recommend you use my car wash (Z-7) as a lubricant for the Clay. If fact Z-7 works better with the Clay than any Clay lubricant I've tried. Just make sure to keep the surface area lubricated while using the clay.
Use 1 capful of Z-7 Car Wash to 12 ounces of water. I use a spray bottle for the mix. Shake it up and spray the area to be Clayed. Just make sure to keep the surface area lubricated while using the clay.
3. I would definitely recommend you remove the wax buildup on your paint. Just use Liquid Dawn(hand dishwashing liquid) as a car wash. It has a high alkaline content which cuts right thru carnauba wax, paraffin, silicone oils, etc. This will get your paint finish squeeky clean and wax free.
I don't advise making a habit of washing your car with Dawn. But for this scenario it's fine. High alkaline products like Dawn are tough on polishes. It will never harm the paint finish though. A car wash is made specifically to clean without removing durable polishes. ALSO, Make sure you remove any water spots, before you apply my products. Because Zaino has no abrasives or harsh solvents it will not remove water spots or stains. Clay Magic is great for removing any paint surface contaminants. Even if you use the Clay procedure. Follow up with a Dawn Wash just for added insurance...
4. The basic products you will need are Z1, Z2, Z5(optional, but highly recommended), Z6 and Z7.
5. Start with Z-1 Polish Lok as per directions. Z-1 does not need to dry. Remember do not wipe off the Z-1 Polish Lok. Apply Z-5 or Z-2 directly over the Z-1. Z-5 is the Hot ticket for a swirl free, flawless paint finish. Usually one to three coats will accomplish that.
6. Let Z-5 or Z-2 polish dry at least one hour. Please NOTE: Zaino Show Car Polish works best at 60 degrees or higher. However, it can be applied down to temperatures of 45 degrees. It just will take much, much longer to dry. As much as two to three hours drying time is required if the temperature is 50 degrees or below. Also, If the humidity is high. Longer drying time is necessary. Humidity is a killer on the drying time of Z-2 or Z-5. The moisture in the air hinders drying time up to four times longer than normal. Sorry, but I can't help this. When you try to remove Z-2 or Z-5 when it is still wet. All you're accomplishing is moving it around. Kinda like reapplying it. Also you need to use a LARGE White 100% Bath size towel (please refer to my Tips & Tricks sheet on my web site for the proper towels to use) to remove Z-2 or Z-5. Smaller towels will not work efficiently.
To test if Z-2 or Z-5 is dry and ready to be removed. Wipe your finger on a hazed section. It should immediately come off and leave a crytal clear finish. If it smears, it is still wet. You can leave Z-2 or Z-5 on for hours or overnight if you desire. When it is not humid Z-2 will take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes to dry. Depending on how heavy you applied it. I have applied Z-2 in the Arizona sun and it dried in approx. 3 to 5 minutes. I have also applied it in 38 degree temperature and it took about 2 to 3 hours to dry. Be patient. It's worth it. Different situations affect drying times.
Also, remember you have Z-1 and Z-5 both on the car. That is two products that have to dry at one time. Takes longer.
Z-2, Z-5 does not contain any oils and once it's dry will never ever look smeary or feel greasy.
If you remove Z-2 or Z-5 before it is thoroughly dry and get any smears. Just wipe down the car with a damp cotton towel. This will remove any smears. Don't use Z-6 until you wipe the car down. If you'd like call me and I'll help you out with more info!
6. After removal of Zaino Z-2 or Z-5. You should wait 24 hours if the outside temperature is under 70 degrees and 6 hours if over 70 degrees, before applying the next coat of Z-5 or Z-2.
7. Use Z-6 "Gloss Enhancer" spray as per directions, between each and every coat of Z-5 or Z-2. It really helps give a three dimensional look. It's antistatic properties will reduce dust and dirt pickup by 60%.
8. You can switch to Z-2 as soon as you are happy with the way the paint finish looks. Example, no more swirls, scratches etc. It's up to you. Z-2 has higher optical properties than Z-5. You can go from Z-2 to Z-5 and then back to Z-2 as often as you want. Z-2 and Z-5 are 100% compatible and interchangeable. You should
always end with Z-2 as the last coat because of its higher optics.
9. The number of coats of Z-2 or Z-5 is up to you. When you reach the level of enhancement you like, normal maintenence with Z-7 Car Wash and Z-6 "Gloss Enhancer" spray is all that's necessary. Naturally apply a coat of Z-2 or Z-5 whenever you feel it is required.
NOTE: One application of Zaino Z-2 or Z-5 will outlast anything in the industry and is all you'll ever need for an average vehicle. However, Multiple coats will achieve an even deeper, wetter-looking, ultra high gloss. Plus higher paint protection. You be the judge...
ALWAYS use only 100% Cotton towels. They must be Made in USA. Brand name (Cannon or Fieldcrest) large white bath size towels. See my web site, for the real truth on cotton towels and which ones to use.
Call me and I'll give you some more tips on your specific situation.
Thanks, Sal Zaino (732)785-2951


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
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I was bored! Please forgive my breif indiscretion! I didn't have the patience to read it all word for word, I just sorta glanced at it, and the copy and paste function works so well , you know, so click, click, and here ya go....

If you can't talk about Zaino here, where can you talk about it? Maybe we'll have to start a separate site, where people can discuss windbreakers and Zaino without censorship!

(tongue in cheek)


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
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Hey, have you guyz noticed that I'm over 2000 posts?

YES! He shoots, he scores! Post ***** extrodinaire! Occupying bandwidth daily!

Pretty soon I'll catch Snake, he is just ahead, I can see him around the bend,


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