Upcoming Zone Rendezvous gets even better!


Apr 26, 1999
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Overland Park, KS
I wanted to give everyone an update on the Southwest Zone Rendezvous coming up in just one month. We met again today with the folks at the Kansas Speedway, as well as some of our other venues. It keeps getting better! Some things of note:

* The autocross courses will run by the SCCA and the Porsche Club, exclusively for Vipers and the SRT-provided Neon SRT-4's on Saturday

* The autocross will be available all day Sunday as well, and possibly the SRT-provided Vipers and Neons too!

* The Racing Experience (NASCAR driving) will be available all day Sunday at the Kansas Speedway if you wish to purchase additional driving time directly from them. We already have them for our attendees exclusively for Saturday. You can contact The Racing Experience directly at 1-888-RACING-8 (1-888-722-4648) http://www.racingexperience.com/

* We will have two full-size 8-passenger Dodge NASCAR limousines and one NASCAR pace car to take you and your guests to the track, the autocross, the hotel, and area shops/restaurants - all at NO CHARGE to you! They will be available from noon on Friday to noon on Sunday. http://www.racinglimosofkc.com/

* Inside parking in the NASCAR garages of the Kansas Speedway will be provided for all attendees Friday through Sunday, with the limos to take you to the hotel and bring you back. There is also parking for all tow vehicles, trailers, and motorhomes on the paved infield of the Speedway immediately next to the garages. All are surrounded by a security fence, a NASCAR track, a patrolled and gated outer road, and yet another security fence. It is the Fort Knox of the auto world! Note that motorhomes cannot be occupied overnight, as their insurance does not allow it outside of an actual race weekend.

* We have special vintage "pace cars" arriving from all over the Midwest to do the lead laps on the Speedway itself over lunch. Make sure to have your cameras handy for some of the fastest cars ever to race NASCAR - and all Mopar, of course!

* We will have EXCLUSIVE Southwest Zone Rendezvous goodies and merchandise available. This includes custom logo stuff designed by our own Aaron Abel. There are also some great raffle/auction items available from Dodge, SRT, and various Viper vendors.

* There will be some GREAT cars and merchandise on display during the event. A few surprises too!

* The charity lunch will include two hours of driving YOUR Viper on the Speedway and taking Little Brothers Little Sisters for rides if you so choose (we strongly encourage it). This charity event will include a LIVE radio broadcast, as well as possible TV coverage from local network affiliates. Not only are we helping Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Kansas City, we all get to enjoy the good feelings and good press that comes with it.

* Event registration will be at the Great Wolf Lodge, whether you are staying there or not. That is where you will get your final schedules, as well as your wristbands and credentials to get in the Speedway and other weekend venues. You MUST register first or you will not be able to get into the Speedway infield. Tow vehicles should be able to park on the Speedway outer road where a limo will take you to the hotel to get your credentials.

Now, you must register with the Viper National offices if you want to secure any of the remaining NASCAR driving packages for Saturday. There aren't many remaining, and we are not holding them at this point. Again, anybody driving or riding in The Racing Experience MUST be a registered attendee for the Rendezvous itself. You cannot buy Racing Experience rides/drives on Saturday for anybody that isn't registered for the Rendezvous. Sunday is open to anybody for the Racing Experience, but the prices won't be as good. The Rendezvous' usually get a big rush a couple weeks before the event, and we anticipate we could very well sell this one out. We already have some 100 people registered from as far away as California.

You can download the registration form here: http://kansascityvca.com/swzr.pdf

Just fill it out and fax it in to Viper Headquarters and you are ready to go. The hotels are releasing the blocks of rooms held by the Viper Club, so you MUST book them ASAP to get those great rates - if it isn't already too late. The registration form has all of the info. This is very likely to be the biggest Viper event of 2005 and we look forward to seeing you there!


PS. One last reason to attend this incredible event June 24-26: Our friends at Cabela's Outfitters (next to the Speedway and accessible with our limo service) will have this that was just caught this past weekend:




Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Yep, I read that too. Kind of a bummer! Apparently they are going to have replicas made and mounted. And they still have a 100 pound blue catfish swimming around at Cabela's - not quite 124 pounds though. :(

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