What happened to the Quaife group buy thread?


Apr 26, 1999
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Overland Park, KS
Well folks, here is the deal: We had several questions and a few complaints that the company in question was not a site sponsor here and it was taking revenues from those that are. For those that have seen the early Spielberg movie "Used Cars", you may remember when they run "pirate" TV ads over presidential addresses and paid programs. Very effective to be sure, but it undermines the hard dollars our sponsors pay to advertise their products here. If other such vendors didn't offer similar (or the exact same) products then it might be more arguable.

That said, we have started a new Group Buy Forum that will host such threads going forward. Additionally, the original poster is working with the aforementioned company to see about them advertising here. If/when that happens you will see that thread - in it's entirety - return to the Group Buy Forum immediately. I am a very big fan of Quaife myself.

For those still unconvinced and just dying for an argument (I can see your keyboard ready to strike), put it this way: Imagine your own business, no matter where you work, and then a competitor sets up a stand in your parking lot and starts selling similar (or identical) products for less. No advertising, no payment - they are literally taking your customers right out of the parking lot that YOU paid for. Would you be upset? You bet you would - you would do everything possible to kick them out and would be perfectly within your rights to do so. And thus our new policies regarding Group Buys.

We appreciate your understanding and will leave this thread here for a while longer so as to avoid any more "where did the thread go?" posts.


PS. And note that this policy includes links to group buys as well, as they undermine our advertisers just as much. Kinda like removing your competitor's sign from your company's parking lot...

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