It was stupid and it felt good to be a **** tonight!

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
My wife and I went to go look at the lot we are building our home on. We pulled into a sonic hamburger joint and were going to get a bite to eat but decided there was nothing there we wanted.

On the way out, there were tons of teenagers maybe about 17 or 18 years old. Most were polite and said "nice car". I said thank you in return.

One car decides to pull behind us and I could tell it was full of teens in it.
They started screaming and revving their engines behind us. (My wife is not used to this so she doesn't understand why they are doing it). I told her to ignore them, they are just being silly.

We are at the stop light and they continue to rev their engine. Then all of a sudden I heard something hit my car and I see fries falling off my front windshield along with potato tots! I couldn't believe that these kids had the nerve to do this! I calmed myself down for about 2 seconds and jump out of the car and went after the kid on the passenger side..he had his window down and "the throwing of the potatos humor" wasn't so funny to him anymore. I said a few choice words to them and the teens in the car said they don't know what I was talking about and they didn't throw any food at me. (There were no other cars behind me, so if they didn't do it, then I guess God made a trip to McDonalds and triped over a cloud and that's how I got a happy meal sitting on my hood of my car!)....The Guys in the front got a little scared...and I am sure they were all laughing when they did it, but once I got a hold of the punk that did it, it's funny how the driver wasn't laughing anymore and he looked the otherway when I was screaming at the guy like he didn't know him.

I could have left it at that, but I was like...naahh! he had a big asss drink in his had that was full...I slapped that drink as hard as I could and it hit him, the driver and the girls in the back. They were all soaked and they were silent afterwards. I walked off and my wife was screaming because she thought I was going kill the kids.

I know that was stupid of me and maybe excessive, but what the hell were these kids thinking! I think the guy thought he would show off in front of the girls and play with old Jackie Chan..well...I would rather be compared to him than be compared to hop sing from bonaza that would have taken it!

So was this stupid...yes! Did it feel good....yes! Could I have gotten shot?..yes!..but I didn't. (I carry a glock in my car anyways).

I did this in dedication for all you Viper owners out there that get your car spit on, keyed or whatever punks like to do to harrass you!

:D :D :2tu: ab strikes again!

I should change my name to "ab the ****"


Viper Owner
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
south jersey
they deserved every bit of that and more my friend, i would have been the same way or worse. you do have to be careful these days, and the fact you carry the glock in the viper wouldnt do much good if they shot you as you were chocking the passenger you dig! anyway glad your ok, and hope hope they snake isn't too f'd up. those fries will kill you!


Nov 7, 2000
Reaction score
New Canaan, CT
Next time, call the cops. They can even use their guns. You, on the other hand, would have no excuse to shooting an unarmed kid over fries. It's not worth it.

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Next time, call the cops. They can even use their guns. You, on the other hand, would have no excuse to shooting an unarmed kid over fries. It's not worth it.

Call the cops at a light and wait for them to come? I wish that was the case, but with my luck with cops..I would have gotten shot. I have had cops pull guns on me for no reason..but that is another story in it's self.

Whooa! No one said I was going to shoot a kid over fries. I don't know where you got that from...I'm the one that could have got shot.... I don't even carry the glock on sits inside the Viper so I can shoot tires on high HP cars when I race them. I win that way! :D


Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
I have yet to have that happen to my Viper God help the person if they do that!!! That a boy Ab :)


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
Reaction score
Ha ha, good for them! Bet they never pull that sh*t again!

"Hop Sing" heh heh! Little do they know the damage you could have inflicted if they tried any hero sh*t on you.

One time this little ricer punk was in the wrong lane to turn left, but he is trying to beat the line of cars stretching backwards, so he tries to pass everyone in the empty lane, and guess who he thinks is gonna let him in? He thought the dork in the F150 would be an easy in.... but I didn't let him in, and we played bumper tag for a bit. Then when traffic stopped, and he is so incensed at being shut down, he gets out and throws something heavy at the back window of my truck! I jump out and go back to confront him. (Which is stupid, because you can't dodge a bullet) But I'm mad, and I have a hunch this little sh*t doesn't have a gun on him. He starts screaming in this shrill voice "Bring it on, b*tch", saying it over and over really loud. Traffic by this time has started moving again, and other drivers are staring at us. He starts taking swings at my face, tentative at first from far away, (Totally ridiculous and useless stabs at the air), I'm yelling at him, while he gets closer and closer with each swing, like he can't gauge the distance without a dozen tries! He got too close for comfort, so I kicked him in the head! (Not hard, just a medium warning shot) He fell into the moving lane of traffic, the oncoming car stops short of hitting him, and then we all watched him try to get up several times, only to step inside his baggy pants, and fall a couple more times to the pavement. It was a pitiful sight, with him all mad, and stumbling around in traffic, tripping on his own pants. If I was REALLY mad, I could have hit him again very easily at this point, but it was not my intention to hurt him, he was just a stupid little guy. He finally gets up, reaches in his car for "The Club", and starts swinging it around like its a pair of nunchucks. I tell a passing car to call the cops, and I grab a big screwdriver from the bed of my truck. This whole episode is making me sick, because it was stupid and useless, and I don't like it when I lose my cool. Anyway, he takes a cute martial arts "pose" with his "Club" under his arm, and his other arm up in the air, like its a photo oppotunity for a magazine cover or something, and keeps screaming "Bring it on, b*tch" I say "you already fell down once, why don't YOU "bring it on?" He just stands there like a tiny posing hero, no longer advancing, so I take a look at my truck, and see there is no damage to the window. There is no more threat to me or my truck, so I take off, and he gets in his rice rocket and follows me. Until we see a cop coming the other way, I spin around and recount the story to the cop, and he speeds away. I have never seen him again, and hope I never do. Stupid incident. I would have felt better overall if I just let the **** into the lane in front of me, wrong though he was. Its not worth risking your safety for minor offences. (Now if I could only practice what I preach!)

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
to be honest with you, I actually felt a little bad about it afterwards. But the disrespect portion got to me. No excuse for that kind of behavior.


Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
My wife and I went to go look at the lot we are building our home on. We pulled into a sonic hamburger joint and were going to get a bite to eat but decided there was nothing there we wanted.

On the way out, there were tons of teenagers maybe about 17 or 18 years old. Most were polite and said "nice car". I said thank you in return.

One car decides to pull behind us and I could tell it was full of teens in it.
They started screaming and revving their engines behind us. (My wife is not used to this so she doesn't understand why they are doing it). I told her to ignore them, they are just being silly.

We are at the stop light and they continue to rev their engine. Then all of a sudden I heard something hit my car and I see fries falling off my front windshield along with potato tots! I couldn't believe that these kids had the nerve to do this! I calmed myself down for about 2 seconds and jump out of the car and went after the kid on the passenger side..he had his window down and "the throwing of the potatos humor" wasn't so funny to him anymore. I said a few choice words to them and the teens in the car said they don't know what I was talking about and they didn't throw any food at me. (There were no other cars behind me, so if they didn't do it, then I guess God made a trip to McDonalds and triped over a cloud and that's how I got a happy meal sitting on my hood of my car!)....The Guys in the front got a little scared...and I am sure they were all laughing when they did it, but once I got a hold of the punk that did it, it's funny how the driver wasn't laughing anymore and he looked the otherway when I was screaming at the guy like he didn't know him.

I could have left it at that, but I was like...naahh! he had a big asss drink in his had that was full...I slapped that drink as hard as I could and it hit him, the driver and the girls in the back. They were all soaked and they were silent afterwards. I walked off and my wife was screaming because she thought I was going kill the kids.

I know that was stupid of me and maybe excessive, but what the hell were these kids thinking! I think the guy thought he would show off in front of the girls and play with old Jackie Chan..well...I would rather be compared to him than be compared to hop sing from bonaza that would have taken it!

So was this stupid...yes! Did it feel good....yes! Could I have gotten shot?..yes!..but I didn't. (I carry a glock in my car anyways).

I did this in dedication for all you Viper owners out there that get your car spit on, keyed or whatever punks like to do to harrass you!

:D :D :2tu: ab strikes again!

I should change my name to "ab the ****"

That's too cool, I wish I could have seen that. I would have been laughing my *** off the whole time. And yes, the dude was trying ot act cool in front of the girls. Now a days, kids will not do anything, their all talk.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
I hope they do not plan to retaliate against you or your car.

I would have probably done the same thing if I were in your shoes, maybe worse.

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
I'm not too worried about retailation...The local mustang crowd here loves me and they would hunt down these fools...but my Viper is rarely out of my if it's not there's many people watching it..


Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score

Never feel bad, these young punks have so much attitude and their parents fill them with so much money to feed this attitude that it seems meant to be for us to set them straight once in a while. It's all jealousy in the end and envy down to their bones. If you think of it, they would hesitate to use a gun even if they had one because they don't want the trouble of cops and what not for something where they are in the wrong, although they could use a self defence excuse for using it. I liked both stories, it's like yeahhh put those young punks' attitudes in check and in the place where they and their ricers should be...that is either follow a Viper or get out of the way.

Equally bad as keys and worse than a spit is when they take an eraser and drag it on the paint from one end to the other while they walk by, try getting that out.

Keep up the good work but just be careful next time if you are with your wife when it happens again, if you're alone it's fine in my opinion. But way to go man, I am proud of you!!


Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
AB your my hero, you have to be a solid 33 years old or more right ? Wow, it must have been scary facing those timid, I mean tough 18 year olds. Can I get an autograph?

Of course you being about 5 feet tall, makes it a fair fight in my book. You are still my hero, but it looks like all that "Custom SC" HP is going to your head.

Next time you call me, please fax your "signature" over first, I want to frame it.

-Your #1 Fan


Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
My wife is mad at me and won't talk to me. she calls me Yakuza and some other crazy names whatever that means. She speaks Asian...I don' I guess it doesn't matter what she calls me because I don't understand it. LOL!


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Im glad you did that man I would have done worse im sure.
See me being 20 I know all the people who would do that around here and they know better.

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
AB your my hero, you have to be a solid 33 years old or more right ? Wow, it must have been scary facing those timid, I mean tough 18 year olds. Can I get an autograph?

Of course you being about 5 feet tall, makes it a fair fight in my book. You are still my hero, but it looks like all that "Custom SC" HP is going to your head.

Next time you call me, please fax your "signature" over first, I want to frame it.

-Your #1 Fan


LOL! Jon,

I am taller than you by 2" so have fear! Bend over and I will give you a signature with my foot! :D


Viper Owner
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
That was great that you proved your point and no one got hurt but.... reality check : two guys got killed a couple of weeks ago here in Raleigh at an NC state game due to an argument. A few years ago, I probably would have done the same thing or worse but when I hear about the stuff that happens even secondary to road rage, it quickly brings me back to reality. The way I look at it, I have much more to lose than some punk. BTW, I commend you for just slapping the drink, ie an eye for an eye. :2tu:

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
That was great that you proved your point and no one got hurt but.... reality check : two guys got killed a couple of weeks ago here in Raleigh at an NC state game due to an argument. A few years ago, I probably would have done the same thing or worse but when I hear about the stuff that happens even secondary to road rage, it quickly brings me back to reality. The way I look at it, I have much more to lose than some punk. BTW, I commend you for just slapping the drink, ie an eye for an eye. :2tu:

In hind sight, I should have taken his drink and drank it in front of him..then burped and walked off.


Viper Owner
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
That was great that you proved your point and no one got hurt but.... reality check : two guys got killed a couple of weeks ago here in Raleigh at an NC state game due to an argument. A few years ago, I probably would have done the same thing or worse but when I hear about the stuff that happens even secondary to road rage, it quickly brings me back to reality. The way I look at it, I have much more to lose than some punk. BTW, I commend you for just slapping the drink, ie an eye for an eye. :2tu:

In hind sight, I should have taken his drink and drank it in front of him..then burped and walked off.

Hmm....What flavor was the drink? :D


Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL
In hind sight, I should have taken his drink and drank it in front of him..then burped and walked off.

It would have been coolest if done in Samuel L. Jackson fashion:

"mmmmmm.... this IS a tasty burger. You mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down?"

Then shoot the guy in the Flock of Seagulls shirt.


Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe they saw your wing and thought it was a picnic table and they got confused on where to put their food.

Seriously, that *****. But a few tator tots on the hood seems like no damage to the car. When crap like this happens to me, I think back to the stupid crap I did when I was a teenager.


Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
AB your my hero, you have to be a solid 33 years old or more right ? Wow, it must have been scary facing those timid, I mean tough 18 year olds. Can I get an autograph?

Of course you being about 5 feet tall, makes it a fair fight in my book. You are still my hero, but it looks like all that "Custom SC" HP is going to your head.

Next time you call me, please fax your "signature" over first, I want to frame it.

-Your #1 Fan


LOL! Jon,

I am taller than you by 2" so have fear! Bend over and I will give you a signature with my foot! :D

AB, your 5'0, so with your math that would make me 4'10, sorry buddy, reality check I'm 5'7. I'm sure when I blew your doors off at V10 nats in Florida, I looked a lot smaller then you, but that was becuase I was soooo far ahead. Anyway, your still my hero, and save all that foot in the *** kicking for some middle school kid, since your so rough and tumble.

I feel so much better knowing the streets are being policed by the awe inspiring Adam ButtHead Brennan.

- Dad.


Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
AB your my hero, you have to be a solid 33 years old or more right ? Wow, it must have been scary facing those timid, I mean tough 18 year olds. Can I get an autograph?

Of course you being about 5 feet tall, makes it a fair fight in my book. You are still my hero, but it looks like all that "Custom SC" HP is going to your head.

Next time you call me, please fax your "signature" over first, I want to frame it.

-Your #1 Fan


LOL! Jon,

I am taller than you by 2" so have fear! Bend over and I will give you a signature with my foot! :D

AB, your 5'0, so with your math that would make me 4'10, sorry buddy, reality check I'm 5'7. I'm sure when I blew your doors off at V10 nats in Florida, I looked a lot smaller then you, but that was becuase I was soooo far ahead. Anyway, your still my hero, and save all that foot in the *** kicking for some middle school kid, since your so rough and tumble.

I feel so much better knowing the streets are being policed by the awe inspiring Adam ButtHead Brennan.

- Dad.

hahahaha thats freaken awesome.....I literally laughed out loud at this one :cool:


Jan 11, 2001
Reaction score
Next time, call the cops. They can even use their guns. You, on the other hand, would have no excuse to shooting an unarmed kid over fries. It's not worth it.

...I don't even carry the glock on sits inside the Viper so I can shoot tires on high HP cars when I race them. I win that way! :D

YOU BASTAGE!! SO THATS HOW YOU BEAT CHUCKIE AFTER HE SCHOOLED YOU AT THE LAUNCH!! I Thought, No I KNEW IT!! There was several clips worth of Glock smoke coming outta your window at the strip by the 1/8th mile marker! You probably even shot Kennedy while you weren't even born yet! You tricky bastage!


Jay K.


Mar 19, 2002
Reaction score
Lilburn, GA
My wife is mad at me and won't talk to me. she calls me Yakuza and some other crazy names whatever that means. She speaks Asian...I don' I guess it doesn't matter what she calls me because I don't understand it. LOL!

That is the Japanese word for "Gangster" as in organized crime, the mob.