Q - Have you produced these replicas before?
A - Yes. All of the workers (employed and contracted) who are building our vehicles have produced replicas before. These talented people are hand-picked, well qualified, and fully certified in their respective trades. While our quality standards are high, these professionals take a great deal of pride in their work. That said, none of our replicas is a one-person job... our production network involves hundreds of professional painters, mechanics, fiber glass technicians, upholsterers, etc. working in conjunction with each other. Through efficiency and streamlining, G-Force Replicas is able to create replicas of unsurpassed quality, beauty, power, and value.
Short answer is NO, they have not built a single car as a company which seems strange that they would not even have a shop vehicle to show their craftsmanship.
Q - Where are these vehicles made?
A - Our vehicles may originate and/or be modified in a variety of countries, depending on the availability of our garages, frame shops, body shops, etc. This ensures efficient production and speedy delivery. Our suppliers and partners are global… Germany, Hungary, Mexico, Belize, Brazil, USA, and Canada. Vehicles are not manufactured at our head office, although quality control processes and some minor modifications may take place at our location prior to final delivery.
Short answer is you might as well say it is manufacturered in Nigeria. If you do not control the quality a the source you get garbage out no matter how much you band aid it before it goes out.
Q - Can I see my vehicle being made along the way?
A - Yes, by pictures and video. Since your vehicle is being created abroad and, in many cases, there would be a language barrier, we do not provide tours. As well, our competitors would certainly benefit from learning about our network and operations. We appreciate your understanding.
Short answer is once they have your money, you really don't know who, what and where it is built. Could depend on whether "Gone in 60 Seconds" is on that weekend so they have a fresh parts supply.
Do people really fall for this kind of stuff? Seems like an obvious scam of biblical proportions.