Dodge Screws Nevada Region VCA and Speedway Charities


Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Each year the Nevada region of the VCA takes part in the parade lap before the NASCAR Nextel Race at LVMS. Each car participating must be an RT/10 or SRT-10. A driver is assigned to each car and rides either on the sport bar of the RT/10 or the back of the SRT-10 during a driver introduction parade lap. The passenger seat of the Viper is auctioned off to the general public on Thursday before the race with all the proceeds from the auction going to benefit the Speedway Children’s Charities. Needless to say, this event is hugely popular with not only our region but also VCA members from other regions who have participated in this event in the past. The auction raised over $200,000 dollars for Speedway Children’s Charity last year. In association with this event, our region puts on a yearly dinner that it easily our biggest and most popular gathering of the year.

Friday, just a scant four weeks before the race here in Las Vegas, an official from the Las Vegas Motor Speedway contacted our president to let him know that they were canceling the use of the Vipers in this event and will instead be using Dodge Ram pickup trucks. We had been consistently told that this annual event was at least a “98% go” by this official and LVMS for the past three months and thus had continued our planning based on this. The unprofessional attitude shown by the track in canceling our participation at the last minute has affected not only our club directly, but also the Speedway Children’s Charity which is currently advertising the opportunity to ride in a convertible with your favorite driver (see

The replacement of VCA members’ gen I, gen II and gen III Vipers with the new “Daytona Edition” Ram pickups reeks of Dodge’s heavy hand. It’s obvious that:
1) The track could not come up with the necessary number of brand new limited edition trucks on their own to pull this event off without Dodge’s help.
2) Dodge is dying to get their newest poser package (the $3600 Daytona appearance package) for a pedestrian vehicle in front of the NASCAR crowd at which it is aimed.
3) Dodge is tired of the more visually stunning gen I and gen II Vipers upstaging the slow selling gen III.

This has lead me to the conclusion that Dodge, as a major sponsor at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, has pushed the track to use the trucks Dodge wants to receive publicity instead of using the Viper which is their forgotten flagship vehicle. Our president was informed that Dodge would provide 22 trucks each of which would carry two drivers in the cab. I guess that leaves the winner of the auctions riding in the bed of the truck of their driver of choice. Ultimately, it will be the charity (who has not yet learned of this development) in the lurch since they have been advertising something that does not now exist and will now be forced to auction something worth far less to their bidders.

Killing the Viper Club of America’s participation in this event at the last minute is just the latest example of Dodge sticking the screws to their (formerly) loyal customers in their relentless pursuit of the short term dollar. If you’ve been a Mopar fan since the muscle car days or even a younger fan who started out revering the old Mopar muscle cars you should be aware that DaimlerChrysler is not interested in your patronage unless you want a four door car. In recent years they seem to have gone out of their way to kick those of us who started out with their muscle cars and have been loyal to the company throughout the front wheel drive K-car derivative days. Previous slaps in the face to long term Dodge loyalists include:
- The introduction of the pig-nosed brick-like four door car that is being called the Charger following the display of a beautifully executed ’99 concept that artfully hid the fact it was a four door. The ‘99 concept was broadly admired among new and old Mopar fans alike and was taken to most major Mopar shows during the last 5 show seasons. Release of the car currently called Charger after the constant display of the **** ’99 Charger concept was like getting stuck with a fat ugly chick after flirting with a hot **** chick all night at the bar.
- The application of the Daytona name to this four door slab sided pig (see photos of the new “Dodge Charger Hemi R/T Daytona” – I think they missed a couple of retro named like AAR, T/A, and SE when they named that one). Chrysler’s marketing people keep ******* out the classic muscle names thinking it will increase short term sales (which it may). In reality, they’re alienating a large group of loyal buyers which will cost them in the long term.
- The application of several classic Mopar muscle names to the Ram as appearance packages (Rumble Bee – a lame play on Bumble Bee, GTX and now Daytona). See comment above regarding the ******* of names.
- The declaration by head designer Trevor Creed that two doors are dead and that Dodge and Chrysler will be moving away from two door cars. It’s only a matter of time before the Challenger or ‘cuda names are brought back and applied to a four door hatchback.
- The declaration by head designer Trevor Creed that the new Charger is the natural evolution of the Charger to modern day followed by the conflicting declaration that the new Charger has nothing to do with the old ones further followed by another statement indicating that if loyal buyers now complaining about the new Charger don’t like it they can go buy an old Charger. Such a cavalier attitude toward customers will surely come back to haunt the company.

Killing the NASCAR event (which I do not even participate in since I own a GTS) is just another nail in the coffin of my loyalty to Chrysler. I’ve never owned anything other than a Mopar in my life including a ’68 Charger, ’69 Charger R/T SE and numerous new Mopars but at this point I am strongly considering other brands for my next new vehicles. It’s no wonder they haven’t upped the performance numbers of the SRT-10 – they’re probably planning to kill the Viper off in another year or two, or (even worse) the Viper name is going to go on that next four door hatchback to come out of Trevor Creed’s studio.


Nov 25, 2004
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Pahrump, NV
The thing that insulted me initially was that only RT/10 and SRT-10 owners can participate. Why not GTS owners?


Dec 25, 2001
Reaction score
Las vegas, NV
MMM where they going to sit??? You have to have a convertible. That one is kinda easy to understand. It is a shame that dodge screwed us!!!!!!
Mar 25, 2000
Reaction score
Quantico, VA
The thing that insulted me initially was that only RT/10 and SRT-10 owners can participate. Why not GTS owners?

Um....the Nascar drivers can't hang out the window of a GTS...never gonna happen! While it would bum me out as makes perfect sense why they need a RT/10 or convertible SRT-10.

What a total bunch of corperate A$$ kissing and BULL$hit! What losers...all of them!


Nov 25, 2004
Reaction score
Pahrump, NV
Um....the Nascar drivers can't hang out the window of a GTS. While it would bum me out as makes perfect sense why they need a RT/10 or convertible SRT-10.

What a total bunch of corperate A$$ kissing and BULL$hit! What losers...all of them!

I am sure we could duct tape them to the roof or something. ;) Implied profanity is not allowed at this site. There is the ".com" site for that. :p :D

Viper Wizard

Apr 28, 2001
Reaction score
South Salem, NY USA
If you’ve been a Mopar fan since the muscle car days or even a younger fan who started out revering the old Mopar muscle cars you should be aware that DaimlerChrysler is not interested in your patronage unless you want a four door car. In recent years they seem to have gone out of their way to kick those of us who started out with their muscle cars and have been loyal to the company throughout the front wheel drive K-car derivative days. Previous slaps in the face to long term Dodge loyalists include:

>Small town, Ma & Pa Dodge Dealerships with four employees, and who has mantained loyal Dodge Customers since 1914!

Matthew, sorry to hear about this! Welcome to the "I don't care about you" club. :mad:


Jan 16, 2002
Reaction score
Corpus Christi Tx
Speaking from someone who has participated in this event and 'was' a little disappointed that I am going to be running Thunderhill Viperdays and as such couldn't participate this year, I'm now EXTREMELY disappointed that the event has been hijacked without due process. How about asking past doners what they would like to ride in, Viper or Pickup? Gee, how about listening to your customers, what a novel concept.

I couldn't agree more with the remarks about "short term profits losing long term loyalty". Such short sightedness will always lead to the downfall of long term corporate success.

I'm wondering who will be excited to pay to ride in the back of a pickup (no puns about NASCAR fans please) instead of shotgun in a Viper within earshot of the NASCAR driver they payed to ride with. It will be interesting to see the results of the charity auction. The MOST important thing is that the kids benefit the most.
my 2 cents.


Dec 24, 2003
Reaction score
Waterford, MI
What a kick in the face, Matt --

It seems that there is no one at Dodge that understands branding or loyalty. Some 20 year old marketing graduate must have completed a survey on his cell phone that tells them that there are a lot of people at the track who would like to buy a pick-up. What they missed is what really excites America and the impact on the loyalty of Dodge's highest priced customers. I agree that it is hard to support such short sighted idiots! :confused:

Thank god for Chuck.


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
Reaction score
It sure seems kinda sh*tty to the VCA members who were so supportive of Dodge, and this event.

Think anyone really wants to bid on a seat in a p/u? Wowsers.....

Nice move, DC. Whats next, clubbing baby seals?


Dec 19, 2001
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Dalton Ga. (Chatt. Tn.)
Hey....a few more sales are more important than the kids....right ???? Guess it's time to change the convertible wording.

Driver's Auction:

Fans will have the opportunity to bid on a ride in a convertible with their favorite NASCAR Nextel Cup Series star and will meet their driver during driver introductions prior to the start of the UAW-DaimlerChrysler 400 on Sunday, March 13th. Fans with winning bids for NASCAR Busch Series drivers will have a “meet ‘n’ greet” with their favorite participant prior to the start of the Sam’s Town 300 on Saturday, March 12th. The event also features a silent auction with a variety of racing and non-racing items to bid on, including autographed memorabilia and tickets to various shows in and around Las Vegas. All proceeds will go to the Las Vegas Chapter of Speedway Children’s Charities, which supports the increased quality of life for the children of southern Nevada. Tickets are now on sale for the annual Speedway Children’s Charities NASCAR Driver Auction. Tickets for the event are $35 and may be purchased at For more information please call (702) 450-8300 or (702) 632-8242.

Marv S

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 25, 1998
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
Re:Las Vegas Motor Speedway screws Nevada Region VCA and Speedway Charities

My understanding is that the decision is fromLas Vegas Motor Speedway. . Not from Dodge.

Personal opinion: This is not a Dodge issue. LVMS held off telling M. & J. until a date that would be too late to have their decision reversed due to complaints to them or Dodge.

LVMS , or the person there who pulled this off, knows the hissstory of the Vipers at the race and also knows that people will be contacting Dodge and LVMS to complain and is counting on it being to late change back to the Viper this year.

Jerry and Marko are pretty involved with LVMS (volunteering, etc). Getting those trucks lined up (getting drivers, etc.) doesn't happen without some prep time. It took some deliberate effort to keep those plans a secret from J & M.

Friday, just a scant four weeks before the race here in Las Vegas,

an official from the Las Vegas Motor Speedway

contacted our president to let him know that they were canceling the use of the Vipers in this event and will instead be using Dodge Ram pickup trucks.


Dec 25, 2001
Reaction score
Las vegas, NV
Re:Las Vegas Motor Speedway screws Nevada Region VCA and Speedway Charities

I seriously doubt that the track made this desicion. Nascar runs this track when they rent it and dodge is the major sponsor. I dont think the track really cares what car or truck they use. The track isnt setting up getting all 22 trucks for this event either. This all came from dodge and what a way to show us viper members how they really feel. Thanks DCX!!!! If nothing else Dodge should have let us drive the trucks. So now the VCA members get nothing, "see ya later dont come back now yah hear!"


Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Re:Las Vegas Motor Speedway screws Nevada Region VCA and Speedway Charities


The track could not pull this off without the assistance and knowledge of Dodge. Whether they decide to use Ram SRT-10s or Ram Daytonas, LVMS could not come up with enough of either vehicles without direct involvement from Dodge. If Dodge really cared about Viper owners and the charity involved they would have told the track to keep using the Viper club - after all, it would be way cheaper for Dodge to tell the track to run the FLAGSHIP Dodge vehicle around the track in the parade lap than it will be for them to truck in the necessary number of poser Rams. Face it - Jeff from LVMS taking the blame is really just a cover for Dodge's actions.

Finally, LVMS is to blame as well in the sense that Marko's been in steady contact with them about this event since November. They've been telling us up to last Friday that this event would come off as planned, THEN all of a sudden they decide to can the Viper participation. LVMS and Jeff certainly knew this was coming about or at the least was a string possibility some time ago and should have given us a heads up to that effect instead of blindsiding us four weeks out.

You can blame the track all you want but at the least Dodge had the ability to put a halt to the plan to change from Vipers to Rams. Given all I know about the situation and the way Dodge has been selling us out over the last few years I can say with reasonable certainty that someone at Dodge (most likely some marketing person) is behind this.

Furthermore, due to the late cancellation of the use of Vipers in this event the least the track could have done was allow our participants (many of whom had already made travel plans from other areas) to drive the pickup trucks in the parade lap. They could have then proceeded with their own plans next year.

Nevada Region VCA Vice President


Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Small town, Ma & Pa Dodge Dealerships with four employees, and who has mantained loyal Dodge Customers since 1914!

Matthew, sorry to hear about this! Welcome to the "I don't care about you" club. :mad:

Yeah, DCX seems to be adding alot of loyal customers to its chapter of the "I don't care about you" club.

Marv S

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 25, 1998
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
Re:Las Vegas Motor Speedway screws Nevada Region VCA and Speedway Charities


This really stinks. We've had AZ members coming up to this event since year 1. I remember Geroge Ferris and Dave Salazar coming from New Mexico. It even drew people from the Pac NW.

It's just so wrong.

:mad: :mad: :mad:


Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Re:Las Vegas Motor Speedway screws Nevada Region VCA and Speedway Charities

Yes, we have alot of cars coming in from out of town from the areas you mentioned as well as our northern members from the Reno area. We've been getting emails from various regions for the last couple of months. This is our biggest event including the SEMA dinner we do every year (thanks again to the SRT, Dodge and Mopars guys for coming).

I certainly hope that someone from DCX will step up and make this right. At the least the VCA participants should be allowed to drive the trucks this year then Dodge and LVMS can do whatever they want next year. Also, DCX should step up and ensure that Children's Speedway Charities makes at least as much money on this year's auction as they did last year.

Photo pro

Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
Ringgold Georgia
3) Dodge is tired of the more visually stunning gen I and gen II Vipers upstaging the slow selling gen III.

Is this true? Is Dodge loosing interest in the product line?

What are the actual sales figures of the Gen III in comparison to the Gen I and II ?

Granted a lot full of 4 doors will make you more money but the Viper earns respect. It may be that Dodge has forgotten the "practical" K-car and what that did to their reputation. In the mid-80's, I heard someone say "If you buy a Dodge, you had better be ready to be buried in it because you'll never sell it".

Paul Hawker

Oct 1, 2000
Reaction score
San Diego, Calif, USA
Why not do trucks and Vipers. (never thought I would use trucks and Vipers in the same sentence.)

The trucks could go out with huge American flags, held in the truck beds by drivers or any red blooded American. Then the truck would peel into the infield, and the drivers hopping onto awaiting Vipers, with the winning charity bidders safetly buckled in. Then off for a fantastic, crowd pleasing, tour, with the NASCAR drivers up, on their perches, so the cheering crowd can voice their approval of their favorite driver/personality.

Trucks get their showing, the American flags will spike the crowd's patriotism, and transfer that emotion to the Dodge trucks, and then the Vipers will bring them all to their feet, and get everything warmed up for the dropping of the flag.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC, USA
Please, Paul - do not let logic enter into this discussion. It has no place when you are talking about Dodge Marketing. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Dec 24, 2003
Reaction score
Waterford, MI
Matt --

I don't know about you, but getting to drive a truck around the track instead of my Viper just wouldn't do it for me. Paul's got a lot better idea, but like Janni said, that kind of creativity will never be accepted at Dodge Marketing.

You may want to consider staging something out in the parking area with the Vipers for the disappointed kids.


Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Photo pro - DCX currently has a 270 day supply of Vipers (up from 174 days). No doubt part of this is because it's hard to sell convertibles in the winter. I doubt that gen Is and gen IIs ever had a 174 day supply though.

Paul - That is a good idea, I'll pass it along to Marko and see if he wants to approach the track with it. My impression is that their minds are amde up and they are going with the trucks no matte what, however.

Janni - It seems that Dodge marketing is just after the short term buck and has taken a loyal-customer-be-damned approach. It seems they're looking to revamp their customer base which is dangerous because it may lead to an erosion of their customer base instead.

Hisserman - I completely agree, but I figure allowing participants to get into the track to drive the trucks is an acceptable compromise for those who were counting on participation in this event. Certainly, driving a Ram anywhere is not nearly as satisfying as driving a Viper.


Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Marko read through the statement above and had the following comments:
- He was verbally told that the auction raised $180,000 last year. The web site for the charity reports $213,000.
- The auction winners will ride in the bed of the truck with the drivers. This means that there will be four passengers in the bed of each of the 22 trucks.
- Marko was told that Dodge wants to use Ram SRT-10s, not Daytona edition Rams. Either way, the vehicle doesn't hold a candle to a Viper.


Dec 3, 2004
Reaction score
The thing that insulted me initially was that only RT/10 and SRT-10 owners can participate. Why not GTS owners?

I guess you can install a luggage rack for the driver to hold onto : )


Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
The thing that insulted me initially was that only RT/10 and SRT-10 owners can participate. Why not GTS owners?

I guess you can install a luggage rack for the driver to hold onto : )

I always joked that I'd remove the hatch glass and the driver could stand on the spare.