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Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
Monterey, Ca, USA
SOMEONE has to say it.

If you have a problem with someone and you take that problem to anyone other than the person you have the problem with, then you are a weak, whhhiiiining, gossip!

P.....y Material !!!!! What a bunch of verbal diarea!!!

You people that post on this website and whine about what JonB, Sean Roe or any other tuner, parts supplier etc did to you have abolutely no clue about how you are speaking to the rest of us about who you are - its weak pathetic whining bull crap.

You are also incredibly stupid - here you are slamming the one guy that you want to help you with your problem. Ha - it amazes me!!!!!

I have had problems with two businesses that I have bought viper related equipment from - one issue lasted several months before being resolved to my satisfaction - No one will every know the details or the names of either business. I will do business with one of those companies.

Now there is one exception I make with regard to posting on this forum - If I have personal first hand experience of criminal behaviour, then I believe I have an obligation, as a VCA member, to bring just enough information to this board to warn folks to be careful and why.

I have dealt with JonB over the past five years and have spent good money with him. I trust the man.
He supports the Viper Community with HIS MONEY.
He takes my calls after hours.
He gives sound advise and gets me pointed in the right direction when my ideas ****.
He saves me money.

If you have an issue with Jon B - get on the phone and work it out - man to man and then keep your mouth shut.
Posting your baby-like whines on this site is pathetic. Give me a break


Aug 16, 2001
Reaction score
Columbus Ohio

That what this page is for. I almost sent my car to [******]. ( Yes that's He-n-n esy but it is bleeped out. Glad I went here first. He-n-nesy has done alot for the Viper community in the past.

He'd still have my car.


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
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If I want to talk aimlessly with someone special, and oh-so-nice, I'll call my mom.

If I want the right part, on time, I'm calling JonB.


Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Gavin - I'm glad someone said that. There is a time to speak out - but whining over a few bucks here and there because of some principle real or imagined isn't impressive to me either.

It is true that we as the customer should be treated like we were special just for making contact with a business. But sometimes after 15 calls in 15 minutes human beings get frazzled and abrupt - if we can't handle it, we can move along.

In my car parts business days - I remember getting calls at 10pm when I was with my family having quality time - by some nerd wanting to tell me the life story of his 34 Wartburg and ask whether I could get a gizzmo for it. These guys would waste hours of my time - I'd break a leg trying to do the impossible to find stuff for them - find it, price it, then they would freak out because of the cost (I only put a small margin on it), and no sale - too bad about all the time and effort and international tol calls on their behalf. I was a really nice guy and that helped build the business - but I can tell you I learned to harden up.

After a few of those - it wears thin. Car guys are a mixed lot and some are amazingly selfish when it comes to what they demand for what they are willing to pay. Eventually, you can spot a good customer pretty quickly, but these small buck guys who want all your time take the cake - they'll be in your ear forever but buy nothing or a few odds and sods, but if you don't make them very happy you are an a$$hole forever. I tried to be polite and help but did not always succeed - I remember once answering the ph with "WHAT!!" - I'd had one too many time waster in a row.

That was the time I figured I needed a break. I was making $125 per hour doing consulting work - of which I had plenty, and these guys would keep me collectively on the phone for hours sometimes in a day and spend nothing or next to it. I came to get real good at getting them off the ph quick without making them feel slighted. Customer care and service is important - but spending too much time on the ph or talking means nothing else gets done - like servicing those actually buying something.

I had to deal with many abrupt to the point of rude people - long as I got what I wanted for a fair price we did business.

"the customer is always right" rule is only true to a point. when they regularly ruin family time, when they abuse you, when they unfairly cost you money or hurt your ability to look after your profitable and good customers - they are not worth the emotional effort to keep them happy. I'd give them the time of day and if i couldn't solve their problem then and there - I'd refer them to someone who could.... monkey off my back. It works. If they got nasty - they got the boot - I never needed crapheads to make money, there's plenty of good folk who spend up and make business worthwhile - and they deserve the effort and got it.

I've got rid of clients in my profession that were not worthy of my time too - never regretted it. There are too many good people to invest in to worry about the problem ones. The bad ones do badmouth but their sphere of influence is only over others like them - so its a good thing. The customers that matter stay loyal if you look after them, and bring new ones in like them - its win win.

I'll never retail again. My hat goes off to all those who stick it out in business dealing with the public.


Feb 20, 2003
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this is the forum,where we share and express our experience.
either it good or bad. its nothing personal in here.
If you made a big order(over $500) call JonB,or he will not have time to deal with you.This is what he will say" I have thousand of email and message to return,I dont have time for this"


Jan 1, 2002
Reaction score
Danville, CA, USA
Jon B--he's OK. He has done good by me--no complaints, I got p*ssed off at him for telling me the truth once--> He was right --Welcome to reality. I'm self-employed and have to listen to the B*llsh*t for hours when I could be doing something else, but thats the game. I have spent what I consider a lot with him and I think he has treated me fairly. I do feel like a "poser" when I call for a $40 part and he spents 10 minutes on it. Time is money--The man is in business to make a living-let him.

Some of you Viper guys are unbelievable. Your so Fr*ckin Cheap you squeek. Your so worried about how many coats of "Zaino" you can put on your car.---> GROW UP
For the "Posers" who need a Chrome knob, or a brake caliper cover this, or a leather that--"Get a life" ITS ONLY A CAR--grow up and cherish your family, your life. You spent too much time on the board. "Get a life" At least go drive your car.

Thanks Gavin--You really got me goin!

Joe B

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
I don't think there is anything wrong with relating personal experiences. Too often they turn into wars of people who like or don't like a vendor. Everyone has the right to their opinion and the right to express it. Let the public decide what comments to be concerned about and which ones not to be. I think it's just as bad to try to bully folks into not saying their piece about a vendor as it is for folks to post about the vendor in the first place.


Viper Owner
Jul 9, 2001
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streamwood, il usa
There is nothing wrong with JON B, he is a great guy. He helped me with parts he didn't even sell, he found them and got me a better price than I found and had them at my house in a very short time. One part he didn't even charge me for, he asked me to install it and made sure I liked it before he would charge my credit card.



VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Feb 26, 2002
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DelaWhere? USA
I think Jon is a little abbrasive, but he has put in some serious time and energy into the club and the car. He still gets my business.


Apr 5, 2003
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I think Jon is a little abbrasive

enough to cause a spark? :laugh:

who do you think you are jumping on an OPEN forum calling people idiotic? i am D@MN glad that there are forums out there that give BOTH sides of the story. SMC had a bad experience, he posted about it. JonB jumped on and openly admitted that he was blunt, and a lot of the other things SMC accused him of. so was it wrong that SMC jumped on and said what happened b/w him and JonB??? NO! and now, enough people stood up and offered alternatives that i now know where to go elsewhere. i, among many others, dont mind getting a little hospitality while spending a few to even over a thousand dollars. i think it is more idiotic to put up with it and not go elsewhere.


Jan 17, 2002
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Hilton Head Island, SC
Gavin, what planet are you from? I am not whining, I am simply telling you what an A**hole Jon B is. Its not about money and I dont understand why you guys get so caught up on the $ aspect. You said that you have had problems with 2 companies and one you still do business with, this definetly show your character flaws, "Hey guys take advatage of me and keep doing it b/c its ok." Good message.I just want people to know what they might be getting into if they support out little home based business man. You must be one of his friends/supporters so whatever you say is taken with a grain of salt. Maybe you should reread the posts and take the average reply as a baseline and tell me if there is a problem with they way Jon does business? I have a incling that you know about Jon B and his weak business issues and its probably slapping you in the forhead but you refuse to address it b/c you are the underdog type, or maybe just alittle of base... "Save The Manitees," B.S...


Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina

Nice, glad to see you find constructive criticism such a detriment to viper venders and the viper community. I for one think Shawn Roe rocks !!, doesn't mean, I don't want to hear from people that have had problems with his product or his services in the past, if that's the case. Hen-a-see is a great example of what happens when people don't speak up right away, he was allowed to screw more people for a longer time. I don't think JonB is a thief, or crook, I just don't like the way he has treated me(the customer) in the past, so I posted it. When we shut down peoples freedom of speech, even when their view is different then ours, what do we have ??



Feb 4, 2002
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
I see quite a few posts on here that say something like, "JonB saves the day again".
He must make more than a few people happy.
You never see anyone saying that it's somehow unfair to post how good he is.
I say that as long as there are no lies, let it go. If a bunch of folks are happy and a few jerks are pi$$ed, everyone will see the truth. If lots of guys are pi$$ed, and they are not jerks, we'll see that too.
It look's to me like there are some small issues that are real. No big deal.


May 14, 2002
Reaction score
There's no problem reporting an experience with a vendor, good or bad as we are all entitled to voice our views. However, who is a bigger a-hole? A vendor who occasionally gets short with customers or customers who launched a personal vendetta by slamming said vendor with over 800 negative reviews because their undies are in a bunch? If you want a lap dance go to a ******* bar, if you want Viper parts at competitive prices and sound technical advice, give Jon B a try. :D


Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
No one is condoning what that idiot did with 799 negative reviews (cant actually believe some fool has that much time to post 799 times.. oh well). Point is, customer service is critical, and providing feedback in ANY mechanism to a support organization (even if it is one person) is extremely beneficial, Jon B has already said he is going to revisit his views on how he acts/responds to customers/potential customers. Maybe thats the reward in all this.



Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD
That would be the best outcome from all of this. Not name calling or everyone getting pissy because another has a different point of view. IMO, I don't think this very thread should have been posted. But since it has, I'm letting it go. I think that SMC did an ok thing, although he may have jumped the gun and posted it earlier than he should have. Reporting a vendor's actions (can be good actions) and wrongdoings are part of responsibility from one Viper owner to another. How many more victims would H-M-S have if no one spoke up?!?

In no way am I making a similarities comparison of Parts Rack to H-M-S. Just similar situation with not being content with service, but not to an extreme extent.


Viper Owner
Jul 31, 2001
Reaction score
Frisco Texas
You know for the VCA members that keep throwing out verbal insults calling other members "posers"(JoeB) that reaks of attitude.

Some people like to add things to their Viper and I'm sorry if not all of us want to track our cars. Why do some of the guys who race them care if someone else puts a wing or chrome A/c knobs on their Viper without ever taking it to the track? If everyone had their Viper the same way how boring would these Viper club gatherings be?

It is exactly this type of repugnant elitist behavior that makes me want to drop my membership. By the way, I just put a wing on my car and am planning on never going to the track...that must burn your ass.

Bob K

Oct 16, 2000
Reaction score
Woodinville, WA USA
Regardless of how you feel about Jon B (I've had nothing but positive dealings with him) I think it unconscionable for anyone to post 800 negative reviews of a vendor in an effort to hurt his business. Whoever is guilty of doing that should be banned from this forum.

Bob K
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